Postnatal Back Pain - End it like Kelly - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

Clinic Update 20-09-2024: Due to long waiting lists on the NHS, physio demand in the North East is exceptionally high. Our appointments are limited due to the severe demand, please contact us as soon as possible.

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Postnatal Back Pain — End it like Kelly

“Sammy, I do not want to end up in a wheelchair”


Today I’d like to share with you the results from another person with Postnatal Back Pain who has been let down by the NHS, and who came to see me months later than she now wishes she did.

Kelly is 32 and from Redcar.

She found us when someone at work recommend our service and is now ever so glad that they did.

Here’s what Kelly had to say about howand when she first arrived in my physio department:

= = =

“I was working full time when my problems started at around the 20 week mark. Turns out it was PGP, or SPD I think some people call it.

It was affecting my everyday life, getting into work, looking after my other son and even just simple things like doing the cleaning because I was so tired…

I spoke to my Midwife and she sent me to a physio at the NHS – they did give me some assistance but really it was just a leaflet about doing some exercises.

They didn’t really go through it with though or take time to give me any real care and just said come back if there was no improvement.

Oh and they gave me a belt to wear.

Talk about frustrating.

As the weeks progressed, SPD got a lot worse and my big fear was that I was going to end up in a wheelchair which I was determined not to happen.

And despite what they told me at the NHS, my problem didn’t just go after my little girl arrived and believe me, I know it’s not just my hormones either.

I think that someone even mentioned it might be sciatica too. But no one really knew in the NHS to be honest.

I asked around and someone at work told me to see Sammy (at Paul Gough Physio Rooms) and so here I am hoping you’re going to be able to shed some light and help me achieve my goals of being able to feel like I did what now seems like a life time ago…”

(Kelly’s full story is continued on Video…)

Now, I can still remember that first day Kelly came to see me.

Talk about being frustrated (and worried for her future)!…

Kelly was also deeply concerned at the prospect of ending up in a wheelchair and having to live with the pain she was in for years to come.

But this is a common concern.

And what I did was to dive head first into helping her out of the frustration and the worry of thinking that nothing could be done.

(Most ladies arrive with this feeling and is not helped by bad advice being given out over there at the NHS)…

…and then I set about ending the actual pain with some hands on physical work, including Manual Re-alignement and deep massage, which made her feel really nice for the first time in a long time.

And incase you were wondering why the NHS don’t just do this sort of thing, it’s because “physios” at the NHS have their hands tied.

They will talk about your problems and offer some leaflets or printed exercises sheets which they think are helping — but they’re not really allowed to touch you any more and because of that, really, they’re just adding to the frustration.

That, and they’re just not specially trained in recovery of Postnatal Back Pain or PGP.

Many of the advice and exercise sheets being given by the NHS are infact doing their patients a HUGE dis-service.

You can NOT out do, or un-do, Postnatal back pain without hands on physical treatment done in person, progressed over a period of weeks, with the addition of the right dietary and exercises advice, given from a Postnatal *specialist*.

Kelly’s story is an all too familiar one and I’m sure it will be even more familiar to you.

Aside from avoiding a wheelchair, Kelly’s main goal was to safely and confidently be able to lift her own baby up without the fear of pain, get rid of guilt by being able to do more around the home for her family like she knew she should be doing, and even being able to play on the floor with both her children — without the pain involved of getting back up.

(Btw – she had problems with baby #1, too, but baby 2, by far the worst).

She set that goal when she came to see me and got it right out in the open from day 1.

So, my job was simple.

I just worked out a plan that would get her there quickest and supported her all the way through until she got there.

(Didn’t take long either).

Anyways, here’s Kelly’s story in full.

Please take a minute to hear Kelly in her own words.

She was kind enough to do a quick video and you can watch it now.

She, like many of the other Mums I help, was ever so keen to share her story so that others like you know that there is hope and there is somewhere to turn and that you don’t have to accept the “satisfactory” (at best) levels of information sheets handed out by the NHS.

And then, If you’re at all interested in getting results like Kelly, and getting active and healthy again fast, I’d love to hear from you.

A good place that most ladies like to start is with a simple phone call where me and you can chat and get to know each other a bit better.

Choose The Best Time To Do That When You Access The Online Calendar Here.


(See if there’s a slot free TODAY)


Let’s you off load all of your frustration and having listened, I’ll walk you through how easy it will be for me to help you and tell you some things like “do this, but don’t do that”… which will make a big difference not long after we put the phone down.

Here’s another option too:

No matter where you are in the North East, you can call the head office on this number 01429 866771 or just *HIT REPLY* to this email now and explain that you’d like some time set aside in my diary to talk to YOU.

(Every email reply is received by the very helpful and friendly, Vicki).

I’d love to hear from you and I guarantee you’ll happy you called in.

Talk soon,

Sammy 😉

P.S We’re a very Big Physio clinic, (the biggest in the North East) but I keep my Postnatal Department small in numbers by choice.

It’s not possible to for me to work with everyone who gets in touch.

And so if I think that we’re a good fit and I’m going to be able to help you like you hope, and like I did Kelly, then you can Guarantee that you’re going to get some proper one-on-one attention from me until ALL your goals are hit!…

We’ll know if I can take you on, from just a quick chat on the phone.

Email Now or Call 01429 866771 to request a call back from me.

Or, Choose the perfect time of day for us to call you by accessing the Calendar here and pick the slot that works best for you.


You’ll even get an email reminder 15 minutes before we’re due to call so that you can’t forget or miss out 😉

Access The Calendar And Request A Call Back



go here http:/ to get tips on ways to end SPD and PGP



Paul Gough
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