What A *FRUSTRATED* neck pain victim sounds like ;-( - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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What A *FRUSTRATED* neck pain victim sounds like ;-(

Free Tips and Advice here: www.paulgoughphysio.com/neck-shoulder-pain

Frustrated email subscriber Brian writes:

= = = =


I’m annoyed that I haven’t had help from the NHS and face the prospect of paying for it myself.

Although now, I have to admit, I am beginning to run out of patience. I can’t face another day sat in my office in so much discomfort. And I’m not impressed at the thought of taking more and more painkillers.

I am seriously thinking about taking the plunge and paying to go private (physio). But, and before I confirm that I’m coming in to see you, I want to know more about what I’ll definitely get out of it”.

Jimmy – 57, Hartlepool. (With a 6 week old stiff neck).

= = = =

Free Tips and Advice here: www.paulgoughphysio.com/neck-shoulder-pain

“Ah yes”.

A common problem.

And this type of thing is a natural consequence of having a health problem that stops you enjoying life, as you know you should be.

There’s lots of *frustration* in this question from Jimmy.

And having to pay for something that you rightly believe should be provided by the NHS, doesn’t help either.

But reality is, when it comes to physical injuries like a stiff or achy (…even painful) neck, most GP’s really don’t want to know anymore.

Nor do they have many powers to help, even if they did.

I’m afraid you’re classed as “non urgent”.

(By THEM, but NOT by “me”…)

Meaning “they” think you’re able to manage and you can ‘cope’ with your life and the way things in it, currently are.

But let me answer Jimmy’s question by showing you what I can do for you, when you get here, and why what we do is so VERY different to all the others:


1.) You’ll get *RELIEF* when I commit to a firm diagnosis – that means me confidently and accurately telling you what’s gone wrong.

It’s the first thing that everyone wants to know and usually makes people feel better in an instant. This will happen in about 6-7 minutes and is often possible to achieve just by asking the right questions when talking on the phone.

2.) I’ ll offer you *HOPE* for a healthy future by explaining my recommendations for a very quick and simple treatment plan that is proven to work and is going to leave you enjoying life free from pain and stiffness, inside days.

3.) You’ll *TRIUMPH* over the “pain killer and rest” option likely to have been “advised” by the NHS when I begin to work on you physically and in person, using my skilled hands.

I’ll be doing for you the expert techniques such as joint re-alignment and deep muscle massage that can so quickly and easily make a HUGE (positive) difference to pain and stiffness in the neck.

Not forgetting, adding in some very easy to follow yet very effective exercises that will leave you looking and feeling so much healthier 😉


And best, I’ll even GUARANTEE to make you happy.

I promise that I’ll make you very happy — that you will get RELIEF, HOPE and that you’ll TRIUMPH over the nasty painkiller option, or you’ll not have to pay for any of your Physio with me.

How does that sound?

Does it sound like something that you’d be interested in sampling ~Contact.FirstName~?

If it does, then just say “maybe” to physio and start by talking to one of our BEST physios on the phone:

Arrange To Talk To Our Best Physio On The Phone

It’s there we can get to know you, find out what you want from Physio and we’ll show you how quickly we can achieve it all for you.


On the call we can give away some very handy “hints” and “tips” that you can take from us and begin to use straight away.

Ones that will very NATURALLY make a nice difference to the pain you’re currently living with.

Get them here before your pain gets worse:

Arrange To Talk To Our Best Physio On The Phone
Talk soon,


P.S On the call…

You’re going to get a feel for how a Physio here can help you, and within seconds you’ll realise why clients “RAVE” about how good we made them feel and why they’re always telling their friends all about us.


You’ll discover why, if you want a fast end to neck and shoulder pain, one that doesn’t involve any medication, and you’re aged 43 or above, we are likely to be your BEST option.

Look here:

Arrange To Talk To Our Best Physio On The Phone

Paul Gough
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