Shoulder/Neck Pain - "5 things that DON'T work" you hope - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Shoulder/Neck Pain – “5 things that DON’T work”…like you hope

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Let’s talk…

…About why Physio (my style) could very well be like nothing you’ve ever tried in the past, and why if you’re aged 43 +, it COULD BE your BEST option.

I’ll start by explaining what other options some people “try” before they come and see me, when looking for ways to end neck and shoulder pain…


1.) FREE NHS Physio

2.) Painkillers

3.) Pilates or Yoga classes

4.) “Nice” relaxing, hotel style massages

5.) Rest/time


…And then I’ll explain why non of them ever work like the person trying them, hopes:

1.) Free NHS Physio

Doesn’t work because they don’t use their hands to work on your muscles and joints physically.

Most NHS physios are “banned” from touching their patients these days and for the one or two NHS trusts that don’t stop them, the physios there opt for the very lazy and easy option of just giving you some exercise sheets.


Free Physio on the NHS these days is realistically a phone call with some follow up exercises (generic) sent to you in the post a few days later. If it’s no better, they will ask you to call back to the GP in 6 weeks.

(Hardly inspires confidence…)

2.) Painkillers

Don’t work because all that paracetamol and anti-inflammatory tablets do is MASK the pain.

The underlying, root cause of the problem is still there and when the painkillers wear off, you’ve still got a very tight muscle or a stuck joint in your neck.

(Problem NOT solved…)

3.) Pilates and Yoga classes

Don’t work because people do such classes at the wrong time. Stretching a painful muscle caused by a stiff joint, will often make it worse.

The right time to begin these types of classes is AFTER the problem is fixed – to stop it from coming back 😉

4.) “Nice” relaxing hotel style massages

Will never work because the pressure applied to the muscles by beauty therapists is hardly ever right.

Not the girls fault though, those types of beauty therapists are NOT trained to understand the root cause of your problem so they will never be able to fix it properly.

And don’t let them tell you they can feel “knots” in your shoulder — every person over the age of 45 has “knots” and tension in their shoulder muscles but it’s not always an issue or the source of their pain.

5.) Rest/time

Doesn’t work because with time and more rest, muscles get tighter and shorter and joints get stiffer.

Leave you car on the drive for a few weeks and after you come back from holiday, it’s unlikely to drive well, if it will start at all.

Joints and muscles are designed to move. YOU are hardwired to move and your body gets stronger the more you do it.

…And that’s why it’s VITAL you get your neck joints moving and unlocked, and muscles in your shoulder relaxed and released — so you can freely begin to move them both again.

(Absent of pain…)

Both of which we can do for YOU.

And reason why what we’ll do for you WILL be nothing like anything you’ll have ever tried so far.

I want you to know that we’re nothing like the NHS.

We don’t recommend painkillers after the first 5 days.

Exercises will be progressed safely and when you’re ready to do them.

And the Therapeutic Massages that we do for you are done with expert hands trained to know PRECISELY where, when and how much pressure to apply to the problem area.

As for rest?

Our goal is to get you ACTIVE and “on the go” like you deserve to be and know you can be, as quickly as possible.

(So we won’t be recommending much of that…)


“Does that sound like something you were hoping for”?

If so, start here:

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And we’ll show you on the phone why we’re likely to be your BEST option, what makes us different and within the first *20 seconds*, you’ll know why most people LOVE to come and see us, even if they started out sceptical about Physio:

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Talk soon,

Paul 😉

P.S Hurry…

The rest and time issue is the “KILLER” for most people over the age of 43.

Doing too much of it on the recommendation of a GP is often the reason that most people SUFFER for YEARS, when they really don’t need to.

Let’s stop that from happening to you:

Arrange a FREE Call Back With Our Top Physio

more: Free tips here:


Paul Gough
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