Amazing Health Secrets of A 95 Year Old Record Breaker - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Amazing Health Secrets of A 95 Year Old Record Breaker

It’s Sunday evening, so I’ll make this quick…

A couple of weeks ago I wrote in an email to you about the story of “Charles Eugster”, a man who, at “95” years old, had just broken the world record for running the indoor 200 meters in his age group.

And when I sent that email, I’ve been answering questions about him ever since.

Things like:

“Is it his genetics?”

“What’s his secret”?

“Does he take supplements?”…

“Has he been reading you’re new book, Paul?”… 😉

And so the list of questions keeps going.

I don’t know the exact secret to his success…

But I BET it has a lot to do with the fact that he *simply believes he can*!.

See, the more time I spend with people in my clinic – people coming to see me with all sorts of different health concerns — the more that I’ve come to realise that one of the biggest problems we’re suffering from as a society is the fact that most just don’t believe that it’s possible to be active and healthy in your 70’s, 80’s and beyond.

It’s as if they think it’s just not meant to be that way!…

Yet when you watch Charles run, it starts to change that — if only for a few seconds.

See, we’ve grown up in a culture where society “believes” that if you’re “lucky” enough to get to “95”, your every day experience will be fairly rotten.

And for some it is.

Don’t get me wrong…

I’m not writing this ignoring obvious illness and diseases that are likely to happen – as much by chance or genetic default, and the result of being around a little longer than others.

But I’ve long since come to the conclusion that it’s the belief of whether or not you actually can be active and healthy — long in to your 90’s – that plays a huge part in whether or not that you actually will be (or are!).

I’ve met and helped far too many people in that age bracket to ever doubt it…

See, it’s your beliefs that ultimately drive everything that happens to you — including your health, mobility, activity and in the case of Charles, longevity.

(Again, obvious, unforeseen illnesses and diseases NOT being over looked – but for most, that isn’t why they’re NOT living the active life they want!)

If you ever find your self disbelieving that you could – or should – be more active as you grow older, maybe use “Charles” as your example.

It would be unlikely that anyone would run a race at “95” if they didn’t believe deep down that they could do it.

When people ask me in clinic about what the future holds for them – as in how active they can get back to being or doing – I’m often listening or looking for that persons own beliefs in how likely they are to be able to do it.

Truth be told, it’s THAT lack of belief about what is possible when it comes to “health”, which holds most people back.

The fact that you could take a walk every day for 30 minutes, or go a local pilates or yoga class once per week — even in your 60’s, 70’s and 80’s, is irrelevant, if you don’t believe you can.

And most times, (not all the times!), that’s all that stands in the way of the next few years of your life being as active and “lifestyle rich” as you REALLY deserve.

Here’s the video for you to watch…

It’s INCREDIBLY inspiring.

Hope this helps.

Have a great week 😉

Paul Gough

P.S If you DO want to be more active, more mobile and more lifestyle rich…

One of the ways to do that is to ensure that your muscles and joints are as lose and less-tense as they can possibly be…

Registration for out our monthly health and massage club is now open again…

If you’re aged 45+ and you want to know more about our amazing “Year of Care” natural health programme which involves physio, acupuncture and massage, at a HUGELY discounted rate, then please just REPLY to this email now.

It’s perfect if you love to come back and see us regularly and want to save some money doing it while topping up your health.

HIT REPLY now to learn more about this offer.

Paul Gough
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