Back Pain: How To Stop Back Pain Using Physio and Some Top Secret "Tools"... - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Back Pain: How To Stop Back Pain Using Physio and Some Top Secret “Tools”…

Top Back Pain Tips, look here:

I can never escape being a physio.

And whenever I go someplace with my family, a common question that I’m asked is:

“What’s the one thing I can do to sort my stiff back?”

While it’s a good question I fear that most ask it in search of a non-existent shortcut or a proverbial “magic pill’ that will end all frustration.

Right there and then.

However, those that ask in earnest and are willing to listen, will likely hear me say something to the extent of “go and see someone who knows best and ask them to sort it out for you properly”.

See, I’ve created my entire business, and more honestly my entire life around asking people who know better than me, to help me.

And that’s allowed me to get so much done in my career in such a relatively short period of time.

(In comparison to all of the other physios out there…)

Why have I spent the last 10 years asking questions and following through on what experts tell me?

Well, here’s where it’s got me so far:

* From a standing start at a spare room in my house in Hartlepool, to possibly the biggest self-private practice anywhere in the UK in less than 6 years

*Local GP’s and Top Consultant Surgeons asking me to take care of their patients for them

* A contract to look after the staff of some BIG companies such as ASDA and Coast and Country, Housing Hartlepool and even have BUPA knocking at my clinic doors asking if I’ll let their patients in for treatment too.

* A high profile job (which I later quit) working in the premier league with a professional football club

* TWO weekly health and fitness column in two of the North Easts biggest newspapers and regular appearances on the BBC to talk about the state if the regions fitness and current health affairs.

* And so much more besides…

(I’m not blowing my own trumpet here btw…)

Just pointing out the benefits of asking the right people for help to sort out a problem.

And each of us is faced by loads of them in different ways, every day.

Alas, right now there will be 10’000’s of people out there (many much older and wiser than I am) writing off their chances of being free from back pain or stiffness as “unattainable” or “unrealistic” without even going to see someone or ask a few questions.

That’s why I’m ever so keen to run a mile from the person who stops me in the street looking for the “magic pill”.

Because it doesn’t exist.

And it kind of goes against everything I’ve ever been taught to believe in.

However, if you’re unlike those type of people, and a bit more like me, and you want the real-life techniques and a proven system that we are using on other people just like you with back pain everyday, then it’s waiting for you here now:

Talk To One Of Our Best Back Pain Physios On A Free Telephone Consultation

As well as everything we’ll do for you to take you out of pain, to make you feel loser and less stiff, here’s just some of what you’ll get to know when you come on in to see my physio team:

* The number 1 belief that most people carry around with them about back pain that could be causing you to throw endless amounts of wasted family or exercise time, down the train (you must be extra vigilant about this if you have any hopes of making the rest of your life, the best of your life)

* The “top of mind” activity you must know and have if you’re going to manage your back trouble correctly. (This is the “bread and butter” of ending back pain and stiffness and a failure to do it could leave you in the lifelong stiffness club)

* The tools – both practical and psychological – to keep your lower back in shape so that you can get more things done in less time

* The common objections, fears and excuses most people aged 40+ have about insisting, “their back problem is different” (better to know these asap).

* How to make one change to your sleeping or working environment to make your self not only more comfortable, but also keep your back in the best shape possible – for many years to come.

* The #1 thing you need to account for when it comes to achieving lifelong freedom from back trouble. (Most people don’t think about this at all, but failure to do this could see suffering for a long, long time).

…And a whole lot more besides.

You’ll be given all this info and more by my specialist physio team.

Start here though:

Talk To One Of Our Best Back Pain Physios On A Free Telephone Consultation



P.S And it’s the first step to being free from back pain

After that, you’ll be equipped with ALL the info you need that is capable of stopping all of the frustration, the concern, the doubt and the worry of whether or not your back pain will actually ever end.

Talk To One Of Our Best Back Pain Physios On A Free Telephone Consultation

Paul Gough
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