Back Pain : "I Think I'll Just Wait For My NHS Appointment Paul" - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

Clinic Update 16-09-2024: Due to long waiting lists on the NHS, physio demand in the North East is exceptionally high. Our appointments are limited due to the severe demand, please contact us as soon as possible.

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Back Pain : “I Think I’ll Just Wait For My NHS Appointment Paul”

As a “Private Physio”…

I’m 100% aware of the temptation that some people have of choosing the completely free option to “get some Physio” over at the NHS.

And I respect the fact that some people *assume* that what we do here (in the Specialist Private World), is the same as what they do over there (in the general world of the free NHS system).

And even though the NHS Physio department is nothing like what do, some people still want to wait until their “free” appointment comes through having being promised it by the NHS.

(Thinking that they’re going to get something like what we give clients here).

And if you’re tempted to do that, here’s what I want you to think about:

The very fact that the Private Physio sector exists, and 1000’s of people are prepared to go and pay good money for the “same service” that is available free, don’t you think it suggests that people want more than is on offer at the NHS?

Now, I’m going to resist the temptation to use the word “better”, because that’s a very subjective word and it wouldn’t be respectful for me to say what I do is any better than anyone else.

No. I prefer to let all my happy clients decide to say words like that.

So, to describe what I offer in comparison to the NHS, I use words like these instead:

“More”, “effective”, “personalised”, “specialist”, “accessible”, “guaranteed”, “enjoyable”, “options”, “quick”, “long-lasting”, “done for you”, “natural” and “hassle-free”.

And so here’s my challenge to you:

If you are considering waiting for a free NHS Physio appointment to arrive…

– BUT –

You remain somewhat interested, even curious, about what it might be like over here in the specialist but “paid for” private world of Physio, then…

Why don’t you put us BOTH to the test?!

Play us off against each other by going to see both of us?

Compare us.

“Suss us both out”.

Inspect everything we both do.

Listen to every bit of advice we both give you.


…decide who you think understands you the most.

Doing that…

You’ll put yourself in a much better position to work out who is able to offer the kind of quick, natural and long lasting solution that you’re likely to be looking for and the one which is able to offer a service personalised and specific to everything that your health needs.

And if you choose to do that – there would be no need to wait to make a start on comparing what we both do…

Sure, the NHS appointment might come through in the next month or so – but why would anyone want to wait for that long when they can access *Specialist* Private advice for FREE, probably within 24-48 hours from filling out the form on this page here:

<< Your Free Physio Taster Session Application Form Is Waiting Here >>

Doing that, means you’ll come to my prestigious Private Physio Clinic AND get to listen to top advice and discover better ways of finding relief from back pain…

….hear everything we propose to do for you and how, as well as leave knowing that you DO have a GUARANTEED way of finding relief from back pain.

You’ll even how much it’s going to cost and how many different ways you can choose to pay, too!

That means you’re going to be suffering from LESS frustration and feeling LESS stressed or tense (as the wait continues for the NHS appointment )

…which I know irritates a lot people who sometimes wait unto 13 weeks ;-(

And, even if you did come and see us using the “Free Taster Session” route, and you absolutely LOVED what we did for you (and how we made you feel), I’d still URGE you to go and visit the NHS Physios… just so that you are 100% able to be sure that the next decision you’re about to make to find relief from back pain, is the right one for you.

So, whilst you wait for the post man to deliver the NHS appointment time which will suit them (not you), please just fill out this form on the web link below which lets us know that you want to come and sample physio RISK FREE:

<< Your Free Physio Taster Session Application Form Is Waiting Here >>

(Unlike the NHS, we work round you — meaning you tell us when you want to arrive ;=)

For coming to see us…

We’ll show you at least 3 or 4 alternative ways to find natural relief from back pain and afterwards, you’re going to be in a much better position to make the BEST decision about who to choose to give you the relief from back pain that you’re hoping for.

I challenge you to come and inspect what we do and put all my team to the test ;=)

Do that here:

<< Your Free Physio Taster Session Application Form Is Waiting Here >>


Specialist Physio Clinics : Darlington – Durham – Guisborough – Hartlepool
Tel: 01429 866771

Find A Time For A “Call Back”

P.S The private physio can be summed up really simply when it comes to the investment you may or may not make:

“You will get much more when you invest a little more” in-terms of benefits and service and when it comes to investing money, is there anything more important than of your health that you should be investing money in?…

To start with, all you need to do is invest 35 seconds of your time to fill out this form, then a further 20 minutes to arrive at my clinic and talk to a specialist who has all the answers you finding relief from your pain:

<< Your Free Physio Taster Session Application Form Is Waiting Here >>

Paul Gough
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