Back Pain: Why Exercises DO.NOT.WORK (...Like You Hope) - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Back Pain: Why Exercises DO.NOT.WORK (…Like You Hope)

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Another email subscriber says they’ve just got to know:

= = = =

“Paul… every time I mention my back pain to my GP (3x now), she just tells me to do some exercises.

First time I went she just gave me a sheet with some pictures on and they weren’t terribly easy to follow.

6 months passed and I’ve seen no improvement.

I went back and a different GP referred to me to NHS Physio. But all I got was a phone call and the same kind of exercises, sent through the post, a few days later.

I’m no better off now than when I first started asking around for help, some 8 months ago.

Why don’t exercise work like everyone tells me they should?

Is it me??????!!!!!

Or am I just doing them wrong?

– Joan. 62, Yarm.

= = = =

To cut a long story short, exercises:


(Not like you think they do, anyways…)

And why not?

Herein, I’ll explain:

If you’re aged 50 +, or even just before, joints in your back have not only stiffened up, they’ve also weakened.

And it’s likely the exercises you’ve been given or are doing are ones that see you doing something like this:

“Rocking your hips and legs side to side and then lying on your front and leaning backwards pushing up from your elbows and arms… about 10 times per day”.

Am I warm?

If I am, they are WASTING your time.

The secret to long term relief from back pain actually has NOTHING to do with a few “range of motion” exercise.

(The kind you’ve likely been given…)

Tip: The best exercises you should be doing, the ones the GP and NHS Physios “forgot” to give you, are called “core stability” exercises.

They work at making your WHOLE SPINE stronger.

Long term and lasting relief from back pain WILL be found with the help of you doing exercises.

But NOT the ones the GP and NHS Physios have got you doing.

When you come to see us, we’ll show you the right exercises, give you easy to follow instructions and we’ll mix and match different types that make you look AND feel healthy, quick.

And that would make a difference, right?

Getting healthy and ending back pain — it’s not about just doing “any old exercises”…

It’s about doing exercises at the right time and in the right order — *progressed safely* as your improvement allows.

How can a GP do that from a “one off visit” or an NHS physio achieve it after just one phone call?


Exercises are best started AFTER joints in your back have been loosened by *manual re-alignment*, muscles have been relaxed by *deep massage*, and when your pain is EASING.

(Please don’t do them to try and ease pain, because it rarely works…)

Do it this way round that I’m proposing and you will even ENJOY doing exercises, because you’ll not be in any pain doing them.

Last thing from me on this:

We’re helping people like you all day long END the frustration that comes with being given “generic” advice on doing exercises by the NHS.

(…and internet).

And we’re able to start making progress with a simple telephone consultation that will let you discover why if you’re aged 40+, we could be your BEST option, and what really makes us different from all the others.

You get to ask questions and decide for your self if what we’re saying is likely to HELP YOU and offers the kind of solution you really wanted from the NHS.

And you can maybe even get a call back TODAY?

It’s valued at £35, but it’s being given away FREE today.

Arrange your call back when you look here:

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Then fill out the simple 12 seconds form that will appear so that we can make sure you’re speaking to the best Physio to help you out:

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Talk soon.

Paul 😉

Specialist Physio Clinics : Darlington – Durham – Guisborough – Hartlepool
Tel: 01429 866771

P.S You’ll enjoy your time with us and all along you’ll be backed a very firm Guarantee.

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We’re the only Physios in the North East to guarantee to make you happy like you hope, or you can leave without paying if we don’t.

Means if you want the specialist help we can give you, it comes to you with ZERO RISK.

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Start here though:

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Paul Gough
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