Custom Foot Orthotics (Prescription) - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Custom Foot Orthotics (Prescription)

For Walkers, runners, golfers who want the best foot orthotics

A North East based Physio Clinic has announced a huge increase in the number of clients travelling to its premises from all across the UK, thanks to the introduction of a new foot scanning technology able to make the most accurate Prescription Orthotics of it’s kind.

Paul Gough Physio Rooms, based on Raby in Hartlepool, has splashed out in excess of £14’750 to bring a new Laser Foot Scanner to the town that is able to custom make the most accurate prescription foot ortothics, of its kind.

Company Founder, Paul, recently spoke of his reasons for doing so and his delight at the success of his recent big investment:

“Customised foot orthotics are nothing new.

They help protect vital joints and are one easy way to find painless exercise and even lower the risk of early onset arthritis in joints and many people are walking around wearing a pair or told by their GP that should be.

But what’s new about the ones we’re offering, is the accuracy with which they are made. It’s better than ever. In fact, it’s pretty much as accurate as you can get and for the person whose going to be wearing them, well, they’re likely to experience very positive results because they fit, work and last longer and better than ever before.

“We’ve been offering Prescription Orthotics to our clients for a long time now. Particularly to people in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s who love to walk regularly with friends, play golf or who like to run, and are concerned about and want to protect vital knee, ankle and lower back joints from the pounding such activities bring and damage they can so easily cause.

But in the past, we would outsource, and would even recommend clients go and ask the NHS for them because they were free. But that option didn’t always work and it has gotten worse recently as our clients would get very poor, if any proper service, and the types that they would be given were just “generic” meaning they don’t have as much chance of working as generic “off the shelf” type inserts don’t work any where near as well as the person wearing them is lead to believe.

“So investing in the new Laser foot scanner was our only option if we wanted to really make clients happy. And meant that we can control the process from scanning, to fitting to follow and to really make sure that what out clients invest in, is going to work like they hope and ask for”.

“And so far it’s been working like crazy. We’ve had people travel up from London to order them from us, and just last week we had a new client who is a runner and had heard about our foot orthotics, all the way from Chesterfield. She came to see us for the assessment, to use the scan, she left having ordered two pairs, one for work and one for her runners, and we shipped them down to him first class via DHL when they came back from the Lab in London”.

I’d say it’s been one of the most warmly received additions to our service so far. It’s because Prescription Orthotics really do work. And if clients can make it through the confusion and disappointment that often comes with choosing the wrong ones, then there is a real, proven solution that is a perfect compliment to an active and healthy lifestyle, that so many of our clients come looking for and asking us to help them with.

“If you asked me to say who benefits most from wearing Prescription Foot Orthtoics, I’d say it would be any person in their 40’s, 50’s and definitely 60’s who is active and loves to walk, run or even play golf”.

The support that wearing prescription orthotics brings to vital joints and a healthy looking posture, combined with the right exercises and a touch of good physio, can work wonders and so we’re able to report 100’s of very happy clients… from all across the UK in just a few short months.

If you would like more information, call 0149 866771 and ask for the Free Report Titled: “9 Simple Steps That Walk You Through Choosing The Best Foot Orthotics” to be sent to your home, or visit: and obtain it there.

Article Published in the Hartlepool Mail. 11-06-14

Paul Gough
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