Back Pain : 6 Different Ways To Fix Your Low BACK PAIN (...Without Surgery Or Taking Pills) - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Back Pain : 6 Different Ways To Fix Your Low BACK PAIN (…Without Surgery Or Taking Pills)

My name is Paul Gough – a low back pain Expert from The North East and in this article todays I’d like to show you 6 “different” ways of finding relief from low back pain that I give out to patients of my clinic.

I say different, because they are ways that don’t include the standard painkillers and rest option that seems to be advised a lot these days .

If you are suffering with back pain and want to find relief from it – without risking surgery – then all of these methods are proven to help:

1. Avoid Sitting Cross Legged – your spine isn’t designed to twist or turn. And sitting in a cross-legged position is contributing to back pain because of that little known fact.

2. Sleep With A Pillow Between Your Knees – might be difficult at first, but if you can persist, it lowers the amount of rotation/ twisting happening at your spine. If you sleep on your side, try a pillow between your legs to keep your spine in a nice position and this will reduce tension at your lower back – meaning that you’re more likely to wake up on a morning in less pain and able to move more freely.

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3. Avoid Sleeping On Your Stomach
– There isn’t a faster way to self-inflicted damage to your spine/lower back than by sleeping on your stomach. Avoid this position at all costs.

4. Change Your Mattress Every 5 Years – I get asked “should I change my mattress” just about every day. But, it’s almost impossible to answer, as everyone has a different response to changing a mattress or the type they sleep on. But, what I can say is this: if you haven’t changed your mattress in the last five years, then it’s about time that you did as you’re unlikely to be getting the support for your lower back that you really would benefit from.

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5. Stay Hydrated
– this is a BIG Office worker mistake that could be zapping your energy and increasing lower backache. One really simple way to avoid this is to cut out the stuff that makes you dehydrated in the first place. Things like excessive coffee, tea, alcohol and energy drinks – you will be dehydrated if you drink too much of them and more likely to suffer from back pain.

6. Daily Lower Back Exercise Rituals – Yoga and Pilates. If you can get into the routine or good habit of doing simple stretches and strengthening of your lower back muscles, you will benefit right through your 50’s, 60’s and beyond.

In the same way that you brush your teeth twice per day to keep them clean and avoid pain, you need to look at working on your back in a similar way.

…Now, what I can’t ever promise you is that any or all of those things will work for you. I just know that if you and I got chatting and you asked me for some tips on ways which I know are capable of making a significant difference to bringing relief from back pain, I’d suggest all of those that you’ve just read.

And if you would like us to take a look at your lower back pain – and tell you more about your specific problems,  then call my physiotherapy clinic and ask for a 100% FREE DISCOVERY visit where we can take a look at your lower back and explain to you what’s going on, and what should be done to fix it/

Claim Your 100% Free DISCOVERY VISIT at Paul Gough Physio Rooms. Call 01429 866771. 

Physio Clinics: Darlington | Durham | Guisborough | Hartlepool


Paul Gough
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