Free Help To Keep You Exercising, Active And Healthy - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Free Help To Keep You Exercising, Active And Healthy

Got something for you…

It’s your invitation to come and find out what’s going wrong, if you’ve got an exercise or sports related injury causing some frustrations.

It could be that you’ve a niggle from a hamstring, pain in an achilles tendon or even some kind of knee pain that you want us to look at because it would help just going what’s going wrong, so that you can get it put right, and get back out walking or running or doing what ever it is that you love to do, to keep active (and healthy).

First, I wanted you to here from “Barbara”, who started out with a free taster and is now glad she did.

This is what she said about why it helped her:


“You know Paul, I think the greatest mistake I kept making was in always thinking that my Achilles pains will just go away, if I just leave it and rest long enough.

Early part of the summer wasn’t so bad, partly because the weather wasn’t so nice that I couldn’t get out in the hills anyway…

But through July, it was very frustrating knowing that I could and should be out walking with my husband (Jim), who was also suffering the effects of my achilles injury – not in a physical way, but because he had also resigned himself to missing out on the walks we would ordinarily have done tougher.

I don’t know why I delayed, or why I kept delaying Physio, as I knew fine well it was inevitable, and for that delay I am cross with myself.

I can’t express how easy you made it for me to access the good help you gave me, and for that I’m grateful. jim is too.

You’re physios did a great job of explaining what was wrong, why it would never have got better in a month of sundays,let alone one, and showed me some easy to do exercises which have helped no end.

Oh, and the massage Sammy did, that was nice too.

To let you know Paul, I had my first walk at the weekend, pity about the weather, but it was just great to be back out there on the hills with Jim.

Thank you Paul.

All my love to your nice staff.

Barbara, 62 – Brotton, North Yorkshire.


Ok, so, if you think you’d like to have that sort of help given to you, and finally find out how easy it is to get active and be exercising again quick, take a steady look at this:

And then once you’ve clicked the link, please just fill out the simple form that will appear which lets us know how you want us to help in your taster:

>> Click This Link And Fill Out The Form To Claim Your Free Taster << And, when you've done that, just wait for a call from Vicki or one of the girls and we'll schedule you a free taster with one of our top Physios. Here's the form again: >> Click This Link And Fill Out The Form To Claim Your Free Taster << Hope it helps! Talk soon ;=) Paul P.S What you'll get from it... Well, you'll leave with "crystal clear clarity" of what's going wrong, you can decide for your self if you want us to help you out some more, and you'll have some specific tips and exercises that you can start using right away - to make yourself healthy. Get that, from looking here: >> Click This Link And Fill Out The Form To Claim Your Free Taster << .

Paul Gough
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