The Dangerous Footwear Trends Of Todays Society (Chapter 1) - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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The Dangerous Footwear Trends Of Todays Society (Chapter 1)

Let’s head back over to Chapter One of the book…

A chapter titled:

“Stealing Healthy Habits From The Lifestyle Rich”.

Fancy title, ‘ey?


This chapter talks about all of these things:

* Getting going with a little bit of exercise… And how to KEEP going!

* The HIDDEN dangers of the path you walk on with friends!

* The *amazing* true story of my “94” years old (not my oldest though!) patient who is STILL swimming every day (and the secret to why and how he does it!)

* How to FIND a weeks worth of spare time in your life…

– AND –

* How to win the “battle of the bedroom”! (…mmm, this is a VERY interesting article, for women in particular!)


But besides all of that, there’s also an article which talks all about the “dangerous footwear trends of todays society”. 

And I wrote it quite simply because ever so many people are causing harm to their vital joints – knee, ankle, hip, back – and hindering their chances of being active and mobile later in life, simply because of what they choose to wear on their feet.

Want to read a little bit about this?

Ok, “coffee at the ready”.

Here, we, GO again —


“NEXT, let’s talk about what you wear on your feet whilst doing it.

If you’re more worried about looking good whilst you’re on the move, then chances are your health account is going to suffer and deplete quickly.

I’ve watched many women gasp in horror when I advise them to stop wearing high heels, which might look nice but aren’t very healthy for vital joints, in favour of Velcro-style trainers bought from somewhere like Clarks or Marks and Spencers.

Now, most people know that the more cushion you have on your shoes, the less impact through your joints.

That’s obvious, right?

But, what a lot of people don’t know is this: there’s also support and protection for joints to be found in the way you wear those shoes.

Leave them loose, and vital joints move around too much, causing painful joint surfaces to rub together.

But if you pull the laces or strapping tight enough, it can actually be a source of vital support.

It’s true, the tighter your shoes are (but not so tight as to restrict blood supply), the less movement at your knee and ankle joints.

And that means less rubbing and wear or tear of joint surfaces, therefore less damage in the joints in the long run. And that’s why sandals or lose fitting type plimsolls should NEVER be worn when you’re being active or exercising.

Sure, they may look better,even feel better, because they’re light and airy, but you’re adding serious and unnecessary pressure to… this story continues on page 6 of the book!


…Interested enough to know more about this?

If so, just go ahead and order the book directly from here and we’ll send it straight to your home: >>>

“Stealing (Ethically!) Habits From The Lifestyle Rich” is one of the most easy things that anyone can do to keep active, mobile and free from painkillers!…

If other people of your age are living a less pain, less restricted lifestyle, and with less painkillers, wouldn’t you want to know how they’re all doing it?

Why should THEY have all the fun?

And yes, even at “94”!!…

Well, it’s all revealed in Chapter 1.

Get it for the currently low price of just £12.99 before the publisher realises he loosing a lot of cash by me selling it much cheaper than him! lol

Here’s where to go to get your new “bed time” reading book:

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Dedicated to maintaining your health,

Paul Gough.

P.S Here’s what a few other people are saying about the book:

“Chapter 2 gave me clarity on the back pain problem I’d been asking my doctor for an answer to for years – thank you.”

– Maureen Phelps, 71. Durham.

“You will find more than nuggets in this book but a goldmine of information about the discipline of better health – the kind that makes you think you wish someone had taken the time to tell you years ago – because if they did, life might be much easier to enjoy.

By the end of The Healthy Habit, you’ll realise it’s more about what you can do for your self rather than what any doctor can prescribe you that makes the difference. Read it.”

-Terry Johnson, 53. Middlesbrough.


Order it here:

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Paul Gough
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