How To Try Physio (for Back Pain) Risk Free: Try It First And See If You Like It... - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

Clinic Update 27-07-2024: Due to long waiting lists on the NHS, physio demand in the North East is exceptionally high. Our appointments are limited due to the severe demand, please contact us as soon as possible.

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How To Try Physio (for Back Pain) Risk Free: Try It First And See If You Like It…

Handy hints and tips to end back pain waiting for you here:

One thing I never say is that Physio is for everyone.


Because it isn’t — some people just don’t understand the real value paying for private physio, adds to their life.

And thats is one of the reasons I offer a chance to try it first.

As well as a full guarantee on everything we do, that lasts for 365 days.

But for these people you’re about to here from, Specialist Physio most definitely was right for them and they are enjoying the value it’s added to their life.

And here’s what a few of them had to say as they were leaving our care, after their health had been restored:

= = =

This came from Carol, Sandwich Shop Owner from Chaloner St, Guisborough, Mid 40’s.

“Truthfully, I pulled a muscle in my back and I think I needed that wake up call to finally start looking after my self – I walk past Paul’s shop on the High St everyday and had also heard good things about the staff from people coming into my shop…I thought, “you know what”, I’m going to give it ago and I loved it because of what it did for me and how it made me feel after just three visits – I didn’t even realise how tight some of my muscles had got and since I went I’ve had no problems whatsoever but I plan to keep it up regularly to stop it from ever happening again”…


Some praise for physio from a very friendly lady from Hartlepool, mid-late 30’s.

“As much as the physical service has been excellent, I’ve asked the physios a million questions and got answers and that’s really helped… …my Dad and my brother had previously been here at Paul Gough’s place and told me to come…I’m so glad I did, I wasn’t getting anywhere waiting for the NHS and now I’m really happy with everything Paul’s team did for me because I’m back doing everything I want – I knew I needed to do something and had to see someone to get better so I’m so glad my Dad pushed me – I felt like I had no hope when I first arrived. By the time my referral for the NHS came through I was already on the mend!”


Applause from one BT engineer from Durham in his 50’s.

“ I’ve known Paul as a physio for years, he’s helped me out a few times after years and years of problems – now I’m able to move it like I’ve never been able to move it before – it’s meant I’m able to have a normal life and to be honest, I feel like my life has changed as a result of physio – the service is absolutely fantastic, the girls on the phone are really helpful and you couldn’t wish for a better all round service – everything is absolutely spot on here!..

= = =

Anyway, the importance of these three testimonials?

…To show off how valuable *PHYSIO* is if you’re suffering with back pain.

You can try is too.

Take a look at this… and if you don’t want to pay at the end of your session because you didn’t like what we did for you, then that’s fine.

It’s all explained when you click here:

Try Physio Before You Buy

See if you like it (BEOFRE you pay), first ?

Try Physio Before You Buy



P.S there’s loads of handy hints and tips to end back pain waiting for you here:

Paul Gough
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