Knee Pain: If We Met... I'd Tell You To Avoid Doing These 7 Things Which Only Make Knee Pain Worse - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Knee Pain: If We Met… I’d Tell You To Avoid Doing These 7 Things Which Only Make Knee Pain Worse

Imagine if we met by chance…

Let’s say you and I were introduced to each other by a mutual friend…

When you realised I was a Physiotherapist, I’d bet the first question you’d ask me would go something like this:


“Oh you’re a Physio are you Paul… whilst you’re here then, can I just ask you a quick question – what’s the best thing to do for my bad knee…?”


Because it happens nearly everywhere I go.

And it’s really nice to be honest.

Never get tired of being able to help people and when it comes to knee pain and stopping it, it’s often a simple case of “do this, but don’t do that…”

And my first response to your question would NOT be to tell you “what to do”…

It’ would be to tell you “what NOT to do”.

Simply AVOIDING the 7 things that make pain worse, usually makes a significant difference before I even get to work by hand.

And here are 7 things I’d tip you off to avoid:


1.) Rest – too much can so often mean that you’re making your knee muscles WEAKER and therefore more prone to problems further down the line (A.K.A Arthritis).

2.) Take GP advice – I have lots of respect for GP’s, but the blunt reality is that they are NOT trained deeply enough to give solid knee pain RECOVERY advice.

3.) Rely upon painkillers – doing so means you’ll NEVER get to the root cause of the knee pain in the first place.

4.) Doing wrong/generic exercises at the wrong time – Best NOT to do exercises when you’re in pain as you’re only going to make things worse.

5.) Wear a neoprene knee support – wearing one of these everyday will weaken the muscles around your knee meaning that within three months, your knee is going to be in a worse state than it was before you started wearing one.

6.) Sitting ON your knees or with your legs bent back, or crossed – doing this for just 20 mins per day, is going to ADD to your problems, if it didn’t cause them in the first place.

7.) Wear the wrong footwear – if you’re wearing sandals, high heels or plimsole style trainers, you’re adding massive amounts of stress to your knee and increasing the length of time you will suffer.


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So there you have them…all the things you would do well to avoid.

…And hopefully what I’ve shown to you is the most valuable part of you going to see a Specialist Physio isn’t necessarily JUST to get the “hands on” treatment.

(Although that’s VERY important…)

You going to see a Specialist Physio will mean an end to confusion, solid answers to concerning questions, an accurate diagnosis AND an expected time frame for a full recovery, too.

Most people who come visit me suffering with knee pain, they can put up with it…

“They just don’t want too”.

(Enjoying their health means the world to them…)

And so what they really want from me is an END to the fear and the frustration of not knowing what’s going wrong.

Once you know that, wouldn’t you agree it’s much easier to enjoy life again knowing that someone knows what’s wrong AND that they’re able to do something about it?

Does that sound like something that would help you?…

If so, please start here:

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Just press the link ^ and fill out the simple form that will appear.

You doing this lets us allocate you the most suitable Physio for your complimentary call back.

This is where most of your confusion will STOP and usually where we can tell you what’s going wrong and what we can do about it, for you.

Please take a look and fill out the simple form that will appear:

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We’re looking forward to helping you out ;=)

Paul Gough.

Specialist Physio Clinics : Darlington – Durham – Guisborough – Hartlepool
Tel: 01429 866771

P.S You’ll LOVE what we can do for you here…

Knee pain is the number 2 most common problem that we see everyday so please rest assured that we ARE going to be able to help you and “YES”… you are looking in the right place for help and advice.

It’s all GUARANTEED too… we help you like you hope, we make you very HAPPY and you leave THRILLED with what we did for you … OR I’ll personally pay for all of your treatment myself.

That means there’s NO risk whatsoever and you’ve got nothing to loose by coming to see me and my team.

Start here though:

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= = =
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Paul Gough
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