My "SECRET WEAPONS" (For Neck and Shoulder Pain...) - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

Clinic Update 27-07-2024: Due to long waiting lists on the NHS, physio demand in the North East is exceptionally high. Our appointments are limited due to the severe demand, please contact us as soon as possible.

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My “SECRET WEAPONS” (For Neck and Shoulder Pain…)

free tips: go get ’em FREE 😉

Maybe you want to know EXACTLY what happens when you get here for physio?


In 12 steps, here’s how Physio works when you get here:


1.) You’ll ENJOY sitting in our comfy waiting area, sipping a HOT (…or cold) drink or your choice from our FREE Italian coffee machine…

(The delicate Moccachino is the clinic favourite, closely followed by the luxury Cappucinno…)

2.) You’ll LOVE talking with (and laughing no doubt…) with one of the girls on reception – they are VERY FUN to be around and will guarantee you a GREAT EXPERIENCE when you get here and reason why people love the culture we’ve created from scratch 😉

3.) You’ll walk into the Physio Room and talk to one of our BEST Physios who will have seen your neck and shoulder pain, 1000’s of times in the past


4.) You’ll OFFLOAD ALL of your concerns knowing that you’ve got AS LONG AS it takes to do so (no time worries here…)

5.) The Physio will ask a few questions just to try and figure out what’s gone wrong

6.) We’ll ask you if we can take a look at the point on your neck or shoulder, where it hurts


7.) With your permission, we’ll feel around the area gently and then after, come up with a 100% accurate diagnosis of what’s causing all your concerns (and pain)

8.) We’ll propose a SOLUTION (care plan) that will put you in control of how, where and when we do it for you, and also one that lets YOU decide HOW FAST you want your problems ended


9.) We’ll set about working on the problem area by hand – that means we’ll get deep into that tight shoulder muscle and release tension, aswell as and unlock stiffness, by hand.

…And that’s going to leave you feeling NICE 😉

10.) We’ll show you the best exercises that you should be doing at home, to make you feel great again, even quicker.

(That’s if you want them…)

Nearly at the end…

11.) We’ll ask if you would like to come back and see us to finish off your treatment and you’re free decide either way

12.) We’ll remind you that you’re covered by a VERY firm 100% “Love It or Leave It”… Satisfaction Guarantee.

…One which means you only have to pay the agreement treatment fee, if YOU decide that what we did made you *VERY HAPPY*.

If it didn’t make you happy like you hoped or thought it would – you LEAVE without paying. No questions asked.

(And two people have done just that, in the last 11 years).


Best… all of that can happen for you in a 30 minute or 60 minute initial consultation, depending upon how much care and attention you want.

You decide which one works best for you 😉

And if you asked me to commit to which of those steps is the real reason why we’re now the North Easts LEADING Physio Clinic…

…I’d say it would all be because of numbers *2*, *4* and *9*.

And it’s number *2* that I think YOU will LOVE the most.

Knowing you can’t EXPERIENCE it will see you almost “sad” to leave when your treatment is finished ;-(

I’d go so far as to say that “THEY” (the girls on my reception team) are my “SECRET WEAPON”.

And something that all the other physios in the area have yet to even figure out how important it is having such FUN people around to put you at ease when you get here, really is.

Call up and see for your self:

Ring: 01429 866771

“Go on” –> put me to the test.

Within 15-20 seconds of you calling, if one of my “secret weapons” hasn’t put you at EASE and made you VERY comfortable… then I’d put my neck on the line by offering you ALL of your future treatment for FREE.


Call now: 01429 866771

And talk to the girls all about your neck and shoulder problems and I promise they will make you feel so happy that you did.

Dedicated to Restoring Your Health,

Paul 😉
Physio Clinics: Darlington | Durham | Guisborough | Hartlepool

P.S About the Satisfaction Guarantee…

It’s TRUE… you’ll NEVER EVER have to pay for your physio treatment with us unless you tell us you are 100% HAPPY with all that we did for you.

“There will be no unhappy clients”!

You love what we do for you and how healthy we make you feel, or you leave without paying – that’s my FIRM promise to YOU.

Talk to the girls on the phone about that too and if you were wondering about cost — they’ll tell you that too AND more about the many different easy ways pay.

Call: 01429 866771.

free tips: go get ’em FREE 😉

Paul Gough
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