Neck and Shoulder Tension - End it Like Ray (Video) - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Neck and Shoulder Tension – End it Like Ray (Video)

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When ANYONE suffers from pain in the neck and shoulder area, the focus is nearly always on just simply easing pain.

When ending it completely, would be even better 😉

That might sound obvious and even instinctive, but it’s potentially harmful in the long run if the root cause of the pain is over looked.

A bit like what often happens when you go and see the GP.

“Ending pain” with a trip to see the see the GP is an option that you might be considering.

But it’s one that could leave you them wide open to more problems further down the line.


Because I’ve heard it said by many of my clients that if all you’re doing is masking the pain with painkillers, then:

“it isn’t doing you any good, is it?”

(Word for word as it is ALWAYS said.)

And that’s likely what will happen if you do try the GP.

(If it already hasn’t).

Thankfully, that’s not what any of the health conscious people who come in and see us, really want.

Sure, they want fast relief from pain.

(And there’s many ways we can do that).

But what people really want is a natural solution that sees them living with less pain each day, without the worry that the same pain will be back any time soon, and one that is completely FREE from any MEDICATION.

And here’s how we do it:

We’ll start working on tight muscles by hand.

NEXT, unlock stiff joints by gentle and very easy manual realigning the stiff ones, get to the root of the problem with a FIRM and confident diagnosis..


Give simple and easy to follow exercises that are PERSONALISED (definitely not generic like the NHS…) so that your pain doesn’t come back any time soon

– And best of all –

“There’s not a prescription is sight”.

And that’s just what we did for *Ray* and exactly how we made him so happy.

Ray is early 40’s and from Hartlepool and found us after he was recommended to us by his Uncle Adrian (…who we had also helped in the past).

He came to us after years of being messed around by his GP, he was fed up with painkillers and he even tried the NHS Physios who left him ever so disappointed with their “hands off” approach and generic exercises.

So much so, that he almost “threw the towel in”… thinking that all physios were the same.

Thankfully we got chance to prove to him that we’re nothing like the NHS physios and ours is nothing like the advice “prescribed” by his GP.

And here’s Ray to tell you his story in full, in his own words.

Press PLAY below and find out how happy we made Ray and what we did for him, and why his life is now so much easier living without daily annoying and nagging, pain in his neck.

And then, if you’re at all interested in getting results like Ray, we’d love to help you out in just the same way:

Click the link and then chose the option (orange button) that works best for you to get in touch.

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Tip: Most people start with a *FREE Telephone Consultation* with one of our BEST Physios and it’s where we give away some of our BEST tips.

Plus, show you exactly what we can do for you and how quickly your health transformation will happen when you get to physio.

Take advantage of this opportunity whilst slots are free.

Look for the orange button on the next page when you click here:

[Full Details of How We Can Help Are Here]

Already thinking about the BEST ways to help you,

Paul 😉
Founder, Paul Gough Physio Rooms

P.S You will LOVE the help and advice given to you in the 13 Minute Telephone Call… or I will give you a FULL “in-person” Physio session with one of my best physio at one of our clinics…for FREE!

Means for sure that you’re never going to have your time wasted.

[Arrange A Free Call Back Here]

Paul Gough
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