Pilates (With A Touch Of Yoga) Exercise Class Opens Up In Guisborough - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

Clinic Update 27-07-2024: Due to long waiting lists on the NHS, physio demand in the North East is exceptionally high. Our appointments are limited due to the severe demand, please contact us as soon as possible.

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Pilates (With A Touch Of Yoga) Exercise Class Opens Up In Guisborough

Let me tell you a story:

So a couple of years ago now one of our physios (Sammy) started a small exercise class aimed at helping people aged 40+ to develop muscle tone and live with more flexibility.

And it worked like crazy.

Not just in terms of the number of people who clamoured to attend the class every friday…


And, more importantly, in the benefits that here “students” would see.

Those benefits include, but not limited too, things like:

> Less back ache…

> Less neck pain…

> Less shoulder tension…

> Able to move easier…

> Less joint stiffness…


* Able to put socks and shoes on…(without sitting on the bed!)

* Able to reach for TV remote after grandkids throw it on the floor..

* FINALLY able to reach under the sofa to pick up husbands socks…

* Walk with a healthier, more confident looking posture…for longer!

…And because of the SURGE of people now wanting to get in on living with some of, it not all, of those benefits…

Sammy, (the “instructor” and creator of the class) has been forced to open a second class in Guisborough, just to fit everyone in.

See, she was getting in a little bit of trouble at current last place…

…The “fire marshall” had been tipped off a few times that she was cramming way more people into the church hall than the hall could legally cope with…

But that wasn’t the real issue and why she decided to open up another class…

See, after weeks of showing her students (usually in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s) how to stretch properly…

Some of them where now stretching so far that the room on the floor just wasn’t enough to let them do it without bumping into each other!…


And the good news is this:

She’s solved both of those issues by opening up another class.

So, I wanted to let you know that if you were on the current waiting list for Class 1, or just hoping to get into one of Sammy’s amazing “Pilates with a touch of Yoga” exercise classes now that you know more about it… registration is for Class 2…


It starts this Wednesday in Guisborough…

And if you want more details about time and cost — and to see if there is any room on the floor, please email Sammy directly.




The first person to contact her and sign up for Wednesdays class after reading this email will also get a signed copy of my new book “The Healthy Habit”.

It’s packed full with even MORE ways to keep active and healthy for longer than anyone else.

…Longer than you might currently believe is even possible.

Hope this helps.


Paul Gough.

Paul Gough
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