Postnatal Back Pain: Mortifying Mistakes That Most Mums Make - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Postnatal Back Pain: Mortifying Mistakes That Most Mums Make

(Article by Postnatal Specialist Physio, Samantha Dakers)

Re: Big and costly *Postnatal mistakes*…

Following is a “snap chat” of the best bits of what I was talking about on Facebook with another lady suffering with PGP, earlier in the week…

Conversation was all about how to AVOID the Big Mistakes that I’ve witnessed most Mum’s make when looking to End Postnatal Back Pain:

And you knowing all of these should really help you out.



1.) Accept that “it’s just sciatica” and then still think that’s normal (when it most definitely isn’t).

2.) Accept that it’s “just hormones” as if that’s a good reason why the pain is STILL there, weeks and months, even years after the birth.

3.) Put faith, hope, trust and future health (…not forgetting lifestyle prosperity) in the hands of an NHS Physio department with NO Specialist Postnatal Physio, anywhere in sight.

4.) Wear a “belt” or back support without any intention of correcting or strengthening muscles by doing proper exercise (Hint: these don’t include pelvic floor ones either).

5.) Think that their pain is “different” and that nothing can be done (…just because it’s “me” and nothing ever goes right, for “me”).

6.) Continue to work only on exercising “pelvic floor muscles” and forget to include the most important of all…(I’ll reveal WHAT they are later).

7.) Ignore everything completely in the hope that the whole thing just magically disappears “over night”

Plus, here’s another Biggie:

8.) Think that they can have more babies without suffering 10x as baldy, next time.

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Now, before you even think it, and if YOU are making any of these…NON of them are your fault.

It’s all down to the “so-so” advice you’ve been given up to now.

I could spend all day talking about why these mistakes are allowed to happen to people like you, but it really boils down to the fact the physios on the front line over at the NHS simply don’t know how to deal with PGP or Postnatal Back Pain.

(I NEVER see any NHS physios on the Postnatal Training Courses…)

And their attitude is usually this one:

“You’re no different to anyone else whose had a baby in the past and you’ll get better with time like everybody else does…”

‘Xcept…not everybody does!

(Looks like you’re one of them to back me up…)

And Tbh – their attitude *ANGERS* me ;-(

Because sooooo’ many Ladies like you are left to suffer and all that they need was a little bit of extra TLC, help and effort from a specialist postnatal physio.

For example, has anyone spoken to you about “Manual Re-alignment” yet?

If they haven’t (…I’m not surprised) – it’s a technique that I’m using everyday to help people like you and it involves me doing lots of nice massage and combining it with a gentle rocking and manipulation that puts stiff and stuck hip and back) joints, back into place.

(EASES pain quickly too…)

But best, it lets you start to do exercises PAINLESS.

And that would help, right?

Imagine if you could actually begin to do the exercises that you’d been recommended to do, WITHOUT being in so much pain…

How much more quickly do you think you’d get active and healthy again, if you could do the things without pain?


And there’s another thing…those exercises they’ve got you doing…have they given you any routines other than “Pelvic Floor” ones?

If not, then we really need to talk.

And if you’re at all interested in finding out more about “Manual Re-alignment” can do for you and how quickly it’s going to be able to ease your pain

– AND –

You want to know more about the exercises the NHS forgot to show you…

…then lets start by talking on the phone.

I can be likely be free later TODAY.

Can you?

I’ll make sometime in my busy schedule to slot a 15 minute Telephone Consultation into my diary with your NAME on it 😉

And that would surely help right?

Everyone who I’ve ever helped in the past few years with Postnatal Back Pain started here – by talking to me on the telephone.

Call NOW using this number: 01429 877661 and talk to VICKI…she’s my secretary and will be able to allocate a slot for you.

She’s great fun too…I promise she’ll brighten your day when you call.

(BTW – she has a lovely little boy called “Charlie” now aged 2…he’s so cute…be sure to bring him up in conversation when you talk to her…you’ll make her day if you do!).

Talk soon,

Sammy xxx
Specialist Physio Clinics : Darlington – Durham – Guisborough – Hartlepool
Tel: 01429 866771

P.S Everything that we do for you here at Paul Gough’s Place comes with a very firm PROMISE…

We will make you healthy and HAPPY like you hope…or you never have to pay for your treatment.

(BTW – No other physio place dares offer anything like this firm Guarantee and most hate it that we do!)

Means we “THRILL” you with what we do for you and how we make you feel, or we refund all of any payments you’ve made in full.

It’s a firm PROMISE that means trying Postnatal Physio is ZERO RISK…meaning you’ve got non whatsoever to loose by trying it (here). for more free tips or email me directly,

Paul Gough
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