Postnatal Back Pain - PGP and SPD Explained (At Last!) - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Postnatal Back Pain — PGP and SPD Explained (At Last!)

This from another Postnatal Back Pain victim who was left to suffer in the hands of the NHS, like you:


“Pregnancy Hormones left me in a wheelchair for months – but my condition was missed by many Doctors who I feel just didn’t take my condition


Carloyn – 32, North East.


I’ll talk more about that in just a minute.

And I’ll do it in the context of describing why, what should be an exciting time, is for *at least 1 in every 5 ladies*, a period of time where they can’t even walk without crutches, or get around without a wheelchair.

And worse yet, are left to suffer, often on their own, for months and even years after giving birth.

If you’re reading this email – it’s likely you’ve been dogged by crippling pain in your lower back and pelvis throughout a recent (…and maybe other) pregnancies.

So let’s talk more about “what actually is PGP”…the thing that you’re more than likely to be suffering from and what’s sure to be causing all your back pain and hip pain.

As in, let’s chat about what PGP really is, why it happens and why it’s responsible for so much of your pain and the restriction on daily and family living.

I’ll start by introducing you to a typical story of the kind of lady who comes and sees me on a daily basis, here in my physio clinic, and suffering with it (PGP).

(Helpful Note: If you’re confused about the difference between SPD and PGP — they’re one and the same, just PGP is the term that is more recently used).

So, meet Carolyn.

A lady in her 30’s who you heard from earlier on in the email.

She’s from the North East and suffered badly at the hands of PGP that in her own words “was missed by many Doctors who just didn’t take her condition serious”, or would listen to what she had to say.

She’s one of the “1 in every 5” women who develop Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) in pregnancy….

And before we jump ahead and look at her painful story, here’s some back ground on PGP that I promised:


The condition occurs when pregnancy HORMONES cause the tendons and ligaments that secure and stabilise the pelvis to become less strong and more lax, leaving the bones susceptible to sheering and moving out of position (ouch!).

Might help to understand that your pelvis is made up of two bones that are joined at the base of your spine, in two places, and then at the front to the pubic bone as well.

Your pelvis has to be strong enough to support your body, but flexible enough to absorb the impact of feet hitting the ground, so as not to cause any pain or long term damage.

PGP occurs when the bones become mis-aligned at the Pelvic Joints. Sometimes these can lock, leaving you suffering temporarily and unable to move one or both legs.

PGP IS treatable.

And that treatment is usually in the form of Specialist Physiotherapy…the problem is, many woman are being given the wrong type of treatment – leaving them at re-risk of the condition with future pregnancies and vulnerable to long-term back and pelvic problems.

Most women suffer for the last 3-4 months of their pregnancy and then expect that it will just go – and that expectation comes from GP’s and Midwifes who tell them it will.

But that’s not always the case and many contimnue to suffer months and years later.

And the problem for most is that they struggle to describe the “intermittent, shifting pain”, and most feel as though no one is listening or believing them.

Sound familiar?

Sometimes the pain will last all day and nothing can be done to ease it – not even sitting or lying down.

Hospitals often recommend paracetamol and a course of physiotherapy – where they give out exercises (such as those for the pelvic floor) to strengthen abdominal muscles.

But they are the WRONG ones (exercises) and don’t do anything like what the women doing them are led to believe – simply because they work the wrong muscles and will NOT offer any strength or support to the problem area which is the lower back.

(Continue with Pelvic Floor muscles for an improvement with your bladder function and pelvis…but you’re NOT going to be helping or easing any back pain – more on that in a few days).

You’re told that PGP symptoms will ease days or weeks after birth and that you’ll be “pain free in weeks”, when the ligament-relaxing hormones recede.

But for 1 in 5 ladies, this doesn’t happen and the damage that has occurred to their spine needs a much better fix than time, rest or painkillers, will allow for.

= = = =

So, there you have it, now you know more about what PGP actually is and why it happens.

Now you can pick up on and read more “in-depth” on Carolyn’s story.

She’s the lady from the top of the email who said this:

“Pregnancy Hormones left me in a
wheelchair for months – but my
condition was missed by
many Doctors who I feel just
didn’t take my condition

It’s continued here in the Daily Mail.

Copy the link into your browser to read more about Carolyn – a typical “PGP” suffer and more about how she become YET ANOTHER lady let down by the rest and painkillers route advised by the NHS.

Except this story got very complicated.

Find out what happened to her, how she made it out of the wheelchair and what she did about it, when you copy this link here:

Hope this helps.

Dedicated to Restoring Your Postnatal Health,

Sammy 😉

P.S Got an invite for you…

If you feel like YOU’VE not been taken seriously by the NHS or your Doctor since the birth of your baby, how ever many months ago it was, let’s talk about it on the phone.

*It’s the BEST place for us to start*.

If you’re still suffering with back or hip pain like all of the other ladies who come and see me, it’s more than likely I’m going to be able to help you.

We can talk all about what’s concerning you and what your hopes and goals for the “future you” are.

I can tell you how quick we can achive the, and I can go someway to easing all of your worry and frustration just by chatting on the phone.

And Maybe we can do it TODAY?

Here’s a link to our appointments calendar for you to look at and then set up a time for a convenient time for a phone call back:

It’s really simple and takes less than 15 seconds for you to choose a convenient time for a call back:

Book A Time To Request A Call Back ->

Means you get the most convenient time to suit YOU.

(…I’m guessing you’re going to be a busy lady?).

Once you choose your time, you’ll get an email confirming the time slot you’ve chosen is now YOURS… and then we’ll call you at the time you’ve picked…to talk about how physio can help you OUT of all your pain and discomfort.

Btw – the telephone consultation is completely FREE.

And IS going to help you just by knowing that there’s a Specialist here who gets your problem.

Or, if you’re reading this email during the day, why not pick up the phone now?

Ring this number 01429 86671 and talk to Vicki.

She’s my secretary and she’ll schedule out a time in my busy diary so that we can talk by the end of the day –> as in ~Date.DayOfWeek~?

Or, if it’s even easier, just HIT REPLY to this email now and leave Vicki your phone number –> she’ll be on the phone to you within minutes and will be helping you out in no time at all.

Paul Gough
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