Secrets To Keeping Fit Without Going To A Keep Fit Class (...Or Zumba, or Body Pump...Or Any Other Class That Looks Like Hard Work!) - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Secrets To Keeping Fit Without Going To A Keep Fit Class (…Or Zumba, or Body Pump…Or Any Other Class That Looks Like Hard Work!)

So what to do on a “mixed” (weather!) bank holiday weekend in the North East of England.

Mine will spent at my local cricket club – Hartlepool – playing on the grass with my 19 month old boy “Harry” — no doubt REPEATEDLY chasing him off the pitch every time he sees the cricket ball (…which he currently thinks is a football!) and decides he wants to play with their’s, despite having his own!.

Does (or did) your son or daughter ever do stuff like that?…

Or is it just mine! lol

So what’s your plans for the day?

And here’s my BIG question to you:

“Does it include ANY exercise?”

See, with an extra day to “fill”…

I wonder how many people this next 48 hours will think that the extra time they’ve got in their life IS worth investing even just 30 minutes of it on doing some exercise.

Some “exercise” that might, if you turned it into a “habit” (a healthy one!) might, just might, help keep your joints more supple, you more active for years longer (than anyone else!) and your muscles less tense and tight – meaning you might actually be able to put those socks and shoes on without it taking so long! lol

Hint: I’m only 34 and that socks and shoes difficulty thing has already started happening to me ;-(

(How did that happen!?)

But I get it…

I really do…

I get completely that the problem with trying to “keep fit”, is, as the wording suggests, you have to “KEEP” at it.

And that alone can be a big enough obstacle to starting some exercise in the first place.

However, there is ANOTHER way.

A way when you know what it is and how to do it, could mean that you can get all the health benefits of exercising — without actually doing any!

It’s all explained in this short blog post:

How To Get Fit Without Exercising >>>

It’s an excerpt from my new book “The Healthy Habit”…


…a “road map” for people aged 50+ choc full with health tips and real life stories of better health hope,

– AND –

Stories of good people just like you defying their often self imposed “age restrictions”…

…helping people all over the world to keep active, maintain independence and live free from nasty painkillers, well into their 70’s, 80’s and beyond.

Before you go ahead and order the book for yourself (or someone you love), take a look at this blog post first:

How to Get Fit Without Exercising >>>

It explains why so many people aged 45+ struggle with exercise and offers a very simple solution to the problem — one that you could use, starting today, to promote a “less pain”, more active lifestyle for you and your friends, whatever your age!

Once you’ve read the article, if you like the look of what you’re reading, feel free to head over the official website of the book to get some more lifestyle boosting tips.

Here it is: >>>


Cheerio for now,

Paul Gough
Published Author.

P.S The massage “pamper package” promotion ends tomorrow…

There is a HUGE saving on 3 (or 6) massage sessions IF you get in touch with us by 6pm on Monday …

And one thing I just wanted to make sure you knew…“YES” it does include sports massages…and “YES” we can provide a gift certificate/voucher if you want to order something like this for a friend or family member.

Those are just some of the questions we’ve had in from email subscribers this last week about the low cost massage offer.

HIT REPLY to this email NOW if you want to know more about this.

Paul Gough
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