Sports Injury : How To Avoid 8 Weeks Of Loss, Time Out, Frustration And Regret By Making One Simple Decision (Like Dave) - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Sports Injury : How To Avoid 8 Weeks Of Loss, Time Out, Frustration And Regret By Making One Simple Decision (Like Dave)

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Today I’d like you to “Meet Dave”…

He is a gentleman who came to see me (originally) suffering with Knee Pain from spending too much time on the course and on his bike.

[Watch Dave’s Physio Success Story When You Click Here]

And because he is SO active, he has also suffered lots of other “niggly little injuries” like Achilles and Calf muscles problems, too.

(Non of them “SERIOUS” per se – just niggles that stop him from doing what he LOVE to do…)


Dave is in his late 40’s, he’s from Darlington and he LOVES to play squash, golf AND go out for hours on his road bike.

And in his own words, he admits to thinking like this:


“You always think it

will just get better on its own

and you don’t need to go 

and see a Physio…”


(In round about way, I hear those words ALL the time…)

And Dave even admits to stalling over going to see me at first because his pain would always just “come… and then go“.

…And that would give him FRESH hope that he was on the mend, “naturally”.

(Meaning he would WAIT before going to see a Physio, for another week…)

And he does that because we ALL go to bed with an illness (or an ache) even aSPORTS INJURY and put our faith “in a good nights sleep”… hoping that when we wake up the next day, the pain will be gone!

And that so often USED to be the case.

(As in, it worked when you were a child…)

Back then, your body would heal much quicker and you’d be better able to “shake little niggles off”.

(Sometimes over night…) 

But when you hit 30, pass 40 and definitely into your 50’s, it just takes so much longer for “niggles” to recover.

(If at all…)

And if that’s what’s happening to you ~Contact.FirstName~… I want you to know that you’re NOT alone.

Reason why I wanted you to hear from Dave himself. 

Dave’s kindly gone on camera and is going to tell you how he now REGRETS having “given it another week”… (for *8* weeks) before he went to see a Sports Physio. 

 And WHY his decision to NOT go and see a Sports Physio sooner, ultimately cost him about 4-5 weeks of missing out on doing the things that he loves doing.

Tip: At about the “56 second” mark of the Video…

 …Observe as Dave does a very simple “add and subtract” calculation that helps him work out how much time he lost on the bike by stalling over going to see a Sports Physio.

Please press play here now:

lt168 403f171f 8bbb 45b1 9a96 5df58479fc80 v2
(Turn on images to see your picture then press play…)

…And then, after watching Dave’s “Physio Success Story”, you know you would like me to HELP you FIT and EXERCISING again like I did Dave, please take a look at this:

Enquire About Physio Cost And Availability Here

It’s a simple form for you to fill out that will let YOU make an enquiry and allow US to CUSTOMISE the return message so that we can be sure we’ve created something that is perfect and going to WORK for YOU:

Enquire About Physio Cost And Availability Here

When you come and see me I’ll start with finding out the ROOT CAUSE of your injury.

And if you gave me just 30 minutes of your time, I could SHOW YOU exactly what has gone wrong, explain how long it will take to resolve and then let YOU decide if you want us to put it right after that: 

I also GUARANTEE to be able to make a recommendation on what you CAN be doing to active again that SAME day you come and see me: 

Enquire About Physio Cost And Availability Here

I look forward to HELPING you,

Best wishes,

Paul ;=)

Specialist Physio Clinics : Darlington – Durham – Guisborough – Hartlepool

Tel: 01429 866771

Find A Time For A “Call Back” 

P.S I Am going to be able to HELP you get active and exercising again QUICKLY and if I don’t… 

You’ll NOT have to pay at the end.

I’m so confident of being able to give you the help and advice you need that I’ll risk my own time and money to have the chance to prove it.

If you’re suffering, frustrated and currently being held back by a sports injury, I assure you I can help you and I am the right person to help you ;=)

 I’ve spent YEARS working in professional sport and I’d like to offer you ACCESS to the SAME recovery techniques and tactics that I used to help the PROFESSIONALS recover.

 Why should YOU miss out ?

Please make an enquiry here:

Enquire About Physio Cost And Availability Here

And you’ll find more TOP TIPS on how to get fit as quickly as the PRO ATHLETE’s do, when you click here:




Paul Gough
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