The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Story : How We Went From Spare Bed Room Start Up To A Prestigious (Multi Clinic), Multi Physio, High Street "Private Practice" (...And Working With ASDA And BUPA) - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

Clinic Update 27-07-2024: Due to long waiting lists on the NHS, physio demand in the North East is exceptionally high. Our appointments are limited due to the severe demand, please contact us as soon as possible.

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The Paul Gough Physio Rooms Story : How We Went From Spare Bed Room Start Up To A Prestigious (Multi Clinic), Multi Physio, High Street “Private Practice” (…And Working With ASDA And BUPA)

A long story cut short,

A small physio clinic was once started in a spare bedroom at a home in Hartlepool…

…And from that standing start, a company named Paul Gough Physio Rooms emerged as a total health care and lifestyle solution that has for over a decade, transformed the health and lives of 10,000’s of people from all across the North East.

This is HUGE: It’s also possible that the company is now the UK’s largest self built private physiotherapy practice and is most definitely a genuine small business success story that has been headlined and featured in many regional newspaper articles and also on local radio.

Lift off: The company was officially founded and launched across the North East (in Darlington, Durham, Guisborough & Hartlepool) by leading UK Physio Paul Gough in 2007, by bringing together other like-minded health care professionals who also wanted to help family men and women to achieve their full lifestyle potential and maximise their health prosperity.

21 Day Recovery System:

And all of this success has been achieved by working hard to create a 21 day recovery formula that is centered around looking for and finding opportunities within the health of men and women aged 35+ who want to maximise the living that they can get from life everyday – despite what their stiff or aching body is telling them can’t be done.

Listen: Currently, you might even think that NO such opportunity like that exists for you or your health? And so if that’s you, please know that you’re not alone and that Paul created this physiotherapy clinic with you in mind so that much needed expert advice can be easily accessed, without fuss, and lifestyle improvements made fast.

Know this: Many of the other people who have visited our clinic, also arrived both skeptical & curious about physio and wondering what could be done to help them…and then within weeks, sometimes days, walked out of our doors feeling the best they’d felt in ages.

We aim to help you with minimal effort on your part: There will be no fuss, no struggle, less concern on your part and definitely less frustration, and we will work for you in a time frame (often 21 days) that is as fast and safe as is possible, using only proven methods that are GP and top Surgeon recommended.

Who We Help.
We help family men and women aged 35-69 (and their children) who are concerned that they are beginning to lose the amount of living they can do every day, who are getting seriously worried about pain and stiffness and the restriction it is causing in their life, who have even had to slow down because of it and are unsure of the best options for finding a safe, fast and guaranteed return to the exercise rich and active family lifestyle that they love and who face the haunting prospect of losing if they don’t act fast.

Specifically, those common concerns are often raised by complaints such as:

Back pain & stiffness, shoulder muscle tension, neck tightness, a sports injury refusing to heal, joint aches, pains and stiffness or muscle tears and and lower leg problems such as ankle and knee injuries that make walking or daily living activity more difficult that it once was or should be.

If you too are suffering from any such health concern, then you are right to be looking and are searching in the right place for the top-level advice you need.

What We Do.
Paul Gough Physio Rooms offers a range of recovery plans and strategies to rescue the often ‘stuck’ or ‘lost down the back of the couch’, once healthy lifestyles of men and women aged 35+ wanting to know the fastest route back to rediscovering the living from life they’ve lost.

In some cases, even help them WIN the battle to hang on to it, that they might currently be losing.

You’ll discover how easy it is to live free from pain and stiffness, how you really can avoid suffering constant muscle tension and tightness spoiling your days or blighting your nights and find new and more improved ways to exercise and be active – meaning you’ll remain ‘on the go’ and be able to do things with your friends and family for longer than you can currently imagine possible.

These strategies are formed around Paul’s unique and time proven system which he teaches to all the experts he lets in to his practice – and it’s the only healthy lifestyle recovery formula for men and women aged 35+ that aims to be “mission accomplished” inside 21 days.

We use ‘tools’ such as deep massage, stretching, spinal manipulation, home exercises ‘done for you’ straight from our in-house exercise science department and offer advice on better ways to change posture, what to wear in your shoes to reduce unwanted arthritis problems and even ‘plug in and play’ ways to de-stress and stop life getting on top of you, as well as answering questions, dispelling rumors, tackling health myths head on, and removing any health concerns that many others out there carry around with them for most of their life, meaning you can make the most of yours!

Why Should You Consider Taking Health Advice From Us?

We’re the physios used by ASDA, BUPA, Coast & Country and Housing Hartlepool, at the heart of a physio clinic that is now one of (if not the) biggest self-built private physio practices in the UK. Founder Paul has emerged as the trusted health expert to the region’s media, he is the only phyiso and weekly health columnist for the Northern Echo and Hartlepool Mail, and is a regular on the BBC advising and commenting on current health & fitness matters.

As much as 95% of our custom is from returning clinic members, self-referrals via word of mouth, friends and family ‘tip offs’, as well as GP and top surgeon recommendations. (Great news: you do not need a formal referral from either to access our service).

Hint: We’re also approved by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) and authorised by the Health Professions Council (HPC)

A Champion Of Outdoor Active & Exercise Rich, Healthy Family Lifestyles.

Through his popular newspaper columns, radio appearances, blog posts and private physio practices helping 1000’s each month, Paul has become a recognised champion of outdoor active and exercise rich family lifestyles here in the North East and wants to help even more men and women remain in that category for as long as possible.

As well as that, using his experience and firm principles, where results rule and people’s money can’t be wasted, he has from day one of opening the doors to his physio clinics, wanted to help family men and women PUT AN END to wasting their time on health care that doesn’t work or is ineffective, to open a new avenue for people so that they can AVOID the ‘telephone talk’ health care offered by the NHS, or SKIP spending money on private health care that doesn’t do as advertised or was promised, and so rescue from the frustration he has observed so many experiencing.

Paul knew he could make a difference to the lifestyles of men and women just like you. So he created a place near you where you will arrive, turn around and leave quickly and:

Be able to do most things you want, when you want, without asking the permission of a stiff, aching or tired body.
Never miss out any activity or spending days out with your children, grandchildren or family.
Be armed with the type of health knowledge that puts YOU in the driving seat and able to make future lifestyle decisions without the fear of repercussion in the form of days upon days of stiffness or aches.Finally enjoy your free time again going where and when you please.

Have as much work ‘done for you’ as you wish, for as long as you wish.

Move to the very top of the activity tree where your friends and family will be looking up and become almost green with envy at your newfound freedom.
Have the type of hands-on physio, ‘done for you’ that provides true and lasting freedom from pain and stiffness.
Access a start to end system that aims to have you active and living life again with 21 days.

Northern Echo and Hartlepool Mail logos
Paul Gough Physio clinic photos
“I’d say physio does hurt me sometimes but never to the point it would put me off or stop me from going back..the physios listen to me and if I don’t like it at any point, they stop!…I’ve been to other places in the past and even though they knew I didn’t like certain things they did, they would still do them. You’ll get here and straight away feel like you’ve known the staff for years… I always recommend the physios here to friends – they’re brilliant and make a big difference to the quality of your life”.

Pat, mid 50’s from Middlesbrough.
“I’ve seen a few of the different physios here and each time they’ve been able to help me out…I’ve had problems with my shoulder and my leg and physio has helped me to keep as active as I like to be…and the best thing is it works fast too…there’s always a nice bit chat when you come, very friendly staff and an all round great service that I regularly recommend to friends and family”.

Michael, Mid 40’s from Billingham.

Who Is Paul.

First and foremost Paul is the Dad to a beautiful baby boy named Harry.

On top of that, Paul is the North Easts ONLY practicing physio AND recognised trusted media health expert.

Since quitting his job in top-level professional sport in 2007, Paul has emerged as one of the UK’s leading physios helping 100’00’s in his clinics and is now the trusted source of health and fitness advice to the North East’s Media.

Paul is a popular columnist who writes weekly health and fitness articles that are printed in The Northern Echo and The Hartlepool Mail, collectively read by more than 50’000 readers and his advice and career achievements have also been published in national health magazines and newspapers such as The Guardian. Paul is also regularly asked to speak and comment about current health issues on the BBC and local radio.

Having had the unique vantage point of working as a physio in top-flight professional sport, Paul has become the ‘go-to’ expert for many people in the North East with failing health, wanting answers and solutions to fitness and lifestyle or concerning health problems.

In the early days he was famed for working in professional sport with two football teams including one premier league team, was chosen to work in the USA alongside Man Utd and England Footballer Paul Scholes at a top soccer camp in Florida and is a frequent flyer around the world talking at seminars and health conferences.

Paul Gough has also built a reputation for helping young, newly qualified and ‘stuck in a career rut’ physios and sports therapists to launch hugely successful careers in record time and has been paid by some of the big city private clinics in London to teach the kind of real time advanced training that is much needed, but rarely given at any university.

Bringing Together The “Best Of The Best Experts” And Putting Them Right On Your Door Step.

Today, Paul Gough and the company that he founded influence the better health and lifestyles of more than 2000 people each month from across the North East.

Each month, members of his clinic SAVE hundreds of hours of wasted exercise time, SKIP frustration caused by health worries and AVOID missing valuable family activity time – with each man or women able to leverage every ounce of life and movement left in their bodies and maximise the living they can do in life each day.

And all at a place where they receive the “best of the best” advice from trusted health care professionals in an exclusive environment with acclaimed customer care. Some of the professionals being hand picked by Paul having already had international health care experience.

Each is asked to work towards the number #1 aim of Paul Gough Physio Rooms which is to help you find more living in your life as fast as is safely possible and move you away from being a slave to your stiff, achy body, to being a master of it, as well as protecting it for many years to come so that you are able to spend more time with family and friends and are in more control of every aspect of your health and the decision making regarding protecting it.

Firmly Against ‘Telephone Talk’ Physio.

Sadly, there’s sometimes a misconception out there that physiotherapy is all about doing some exercises or talking on the phone (as was introduced by the NHS in 2012).

Let’s be up front: That train of thought has only evolved because a line has had to be drawn between what really works best, and what other providers of health care, such as the NHS, are realistically able to offer.

Think about it: In much the same way as sitting on an Airplane and settling for a can of Pepsi when having asked for a can of Coke…many people have been forced to accept a “hands-off” approach to physiotherapy that is satisfactory but hardly effective and definitely NOT what they want.

Here’s the thing: Over at the NHS, it’s now commonplace to be given a quick telephone consultation (by a physio) and be then sent a few printed exercise sheets to work on at home – chances are you’ll be told to ring back in a few weeks if you’ve seen no improvement.

But here is how physio should be done: Contrast that with having everything ‘done for you’ by expert hands, taking the time to get to know you and your health problems in person, and then ‘walking you by the hand’ all the way back to a healthy and active lifestyle where YOU call an end to the recovery plan, only when you’re sure, confident and happy to do so – such as is happening everyday here at Paul Gough Physio Rooms.

Effortless (for you): The latter being the favoured choice of many, is proven to work much faster, is interactive, personal and effortless for the person on the receiving end (you) and the results are practically automatic because just about everything is done for them – and therefore totally different.

Seriously, ‘telephone talk’ physio is NOT what we want for you: The printing out of exercises and a quick telephone consultation from a physio who can never really “get you” or truly understand your problem in the way that you hope, is something that in our humble option is outdated nonsense and not what people really want or need.

Heck, that’s why our clinics are so busy and proves our way works: Here at Paul Gough’s Physio Rooms, we will be doing all of the hard work for you to make sure that your muscle tension is eased or joint stiffness unlocked as quickly as possible. Done in the hope that you can then get back to living your life again FASTER and safer than any other way you can find.

You’ll be walking away from us having had EVERYTHING done for you.

A Firm Promise & A Guarantee.

If YOU are that family man or women aged 35+ suffering from aches, pains or stiffness, struggling to get active or to exercise, and are curious about physio, even thinking about giving it ago, then we are able to GUARANTEE this will work for you.

“If You Are Prepared To Commit Your £££ And Let Us Do Everything For You, And You Are Happy To Follow The Steps That We Ask, Then You Will Achieve Your Health Goal By Investing In Physiotherapy Or Else You Can Ask For Your Money Back”.
And to our knowledge, no other physio is prepared to make a guarantee like that.

There’s more.

Before you even have to put any £££ down on the table, we invite you to try physio first for thirty minutes. This lets you test and sample the health benefits waiting for you all the while knowing that you’re under no obligation to pay should you think that it didn’t live up to your expectations or you just think you got the decision wrong. If that happens, then at the end of your first visit you can leave without paying.

Click here to claim one of our ‘try physio’ slots.

To confirm: because of this offer you will only pay if you decide you are happy with what physio did for you.

Further more, if you do go ahead with the recommendations of your physio, and follow his or her plan as asked, and it doesn’t do everything that you hope or currently wish for, then you are covered by a 365 day cooling off period – this lets you have 365 days to make up your mind and if you’re not convinced, call up and ask for all of your money back and you will be given it in full.

This means there is NO WAY you can make a mistake here and no way you can get this decision to choose physio wrong.

Why do we do this?

It’s because we realise that you shouldn’t be the one trusting us. This way round, we have to trust you. And it’s because we know how valuable our 21 day system is to people like you that we want to remove any and every possible obstacle to you accessing it.

That includes clinic owner Paul Gough shouldering every penny of financial risk instead of you.

What Else Can We Do For You?

Acupuncture – For soothing aches pains and stiffness and ending long-term pain and suffering.
Prescription Orthotics and Inserts – To effortlessly and automatically end stiffness and tension around your body with a laser scanning machine able to make for you the perfect new insert for adding to your shoes.

60 Minute Relaxing, Heavenly Therapeutic Massage Sessions. NO injury needed. NO excuse needed either. One whole hour of deep, soothing and relaxing from a “therapeutic massage goddess”.
Vital First Aid Training – For parents, grandparents or friends of families with children wanting to know the latest advances in CPR training…just in case!

Pilates & Flexibility Classes/Guides – Tone up and ease pain and quickly start living with more movement and flexibility. Just enough to make your friends of a similar age, ‘green with envy’.

Paul Gough
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