Tips For Runners: 3 Key Areas To Focus On To Help You Cross The Finish Line - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Tips For Runners: 3 Key Areas To Focus On To Help You Cross The Finish Line

Extract written by our very own Massage Queen, Jo 🙂


Have you taken up a new hobby after the Christmas period? Or are you sticking to your New Years Resolution? Yes?… Ah brill, good to know it’s not just me on a health kick.


This past month alone I’ve seen many clients who have mentioned signing up for the Great North Run or local 10k runs and starting to schedule training for these races over the next few month (the majority actually being New Years Resolutions) which is inspiring!


However it is so important to make sure you look after yourself over the next few months to avoid any sort of injury!


Runners should concentrate on three key areas during their training:

1) Increasing distance gradually (10% each week as a guide)

2) Wearing appropriate footwear that maintains optimal foot position in order to put as little stress as possible on the lower limbs

3) Follow a comprehensive strengthening and stretching programme in addition to running


Warm-ups & cool-downs:


Ensure that warm-ups and cool-downs include thorough stretches in order to maintain optimal muscle length reducing stress on the lower limbs.


Maintain training:


Obviously cardiovascular fitness is a priority for runners, however following a core-strengthening programme will provide support for the lower back, reducing the risk if herniated discs or sciatica.




Running on hard surfaces can damage the knees. Foam roller exercises and stretching are a good way of mobilising the tissues on the outside of the leg to help reduce knee pain.




Performance can be improved and risk of injury reduced by performing leg strengthening exercises such as squats.


Power and stability:


Stabilising exercises such as single-leg squats ensure that the body Is well supported when running.


If you follow these simple rules I’m sure it will make are future training you’re doing much easier and puts you back in control.


If you have any questions or want to know any more tips just ask me or call our practice 🙂


Speak soon,

Jo, xx


Paul Gough
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