Trigger points: What's Triggering Your Pain? - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Trigger points: What’s Triggering Your Pain?

Hey guys Jo Here  (the massage queen) 🙂

Got something to ask you…

Are you experiencing restricted movement and pain when moving in general?

Typically your neck and shoulders?

Sudden onset post stress?

Many people suffer from sensitive spots in their muscles, often called trigger points.

What are these I hear you say?
Well…when you say that you have “muscle knots,” you are talking about myofascial trigger points.

There are no actual knots involved, of course — it’s just a metaphor.

Although their true nature is uncertain, the main theory is that a trigger point is a small patch of tightly contracted muscle, an isolated spasm affecting just a small patch of muscle tissue, or an hypersensitive area usually in postural muscles such as in your shoulders and neck, which usually reproduce pain when pressure is added.

Trigger points are a “natural” part of muscle tissue. Just as almost everyone gets some pimples, sooner or later almost everyone gets muscle knots

What to do next….
– Identify the problematic activity/ biomechanics (the structure and function of the human body)

– Stop shortening to prevent further breakdown.

– Removal – getting rid of these muscle knots by the use of hands on treatment such as massage, stretching, strengthening.

– Postural training

– Diet education


If you keep on top of these regularly you should see a massive improvement in the tightness of your muscles.

If you want to know anything more about trigger points or ‘muscle knots’ I’d be happy to answer any questions you have 🙂

Be back soon

Jo xx

Paul Gough
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