What happens in an assessment with a physio? - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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What happens in an assessment with a physio?

What happens in an assessment with a physio

We’re going to talk about one of the most common questions we hear from people when they call us… “What happens in an assessment with a physio?” 

We had a phone call from a lady today who has never visited a physio before, and she asked us this exact question before she booked her assessment with us.  

The lady had been struggling with back pain for a while, and she finally decided she needed to come and see a physio to find out what was wrong and get an expert diagnosis. She said she had waited too long, thinking the pain would just “go away”.  

She understandably had lots of questions with it being her first time, so we thought it would be a good idea to share our answer with you, in case there’s anyone reading this that has the same question. 

Can you relate to the above?  

Read on to find out what happens in an assessment with one of our expert physio’s…  

  1. When you call the clinic to book an assessment, or if we follow up with an enquiry you’ve made with us, a member of our admin team will ask you a couple of questions. Our admin team are all super helpful and lovely, and they are just trying to find out what’s been happening. They’ll ask questions about where it hurts, what it might be stopping you from being able to do, and what you might want to achieve from seeing a physio. Remember, whenever you speak to a member of the admin team, it’s completely complimentary and there is no obligation to book any appointments with us after the call is over. Our goal is to help you make the right decision about what to do next for the best, and make sure physio is the right way forward for you.
  2. If you book an appointment with us, we will then pass all this information over to the physio. So, before you even come in, the physio is going to have a very good indication of what’s going on with you, and what your goals are.In the assessment, the physio would do their tests and checks and would ask you few additional questions so that they could give you an accurate diagnosis. The physio wouldn’t just look at the injury in isolation, we look at everything as a bigger picture. For example, a lot of people come in to see us with back pain, but in fact we find out the pain is actually coming from their knees or even their feet. The physio aims to do some hands-on treatment in the assessment, however we can’t always guarantee this depending on the individual and the complexity of their injury.
  3. We always say to come armed with lots of questions yourself for your physio. What we tend to find is when people leave, they then ring us afterwards and say they wished they had asked us if they can still go to the gym, can they swim, or can they run etc. So, we always say to people to come prepared with questions. Our physios are so knowledgeable, and full of expert advice and information. 
  4. The physio should then be able to give you their expert diagnosis, and their recommendation for what the next steps are to help you achieve your goals.


Are you looking for some help, or do you have a friend or family member that could benefit from our services? 

If you want to book an assessment to get some advice or clarification on an old or new injury, or you know someone that needs some help and advice, please get in touch with us.

If you are not yet ready to go ahead and book an assessment with a physio right now, perhaps you have some questions and you think it would be good to speak to someone first, so you can be 100% sure that we can help you. This is absolutely fine too – we’re here to help you with any questions you have.  

We’re also offering new patients a free taster session – a taster session gives you the opportunity to come in and see for yourself how we can help you, and you’ll get the chance to meet our amazing therapists and admin team too. 

Simply click here to complete our no obligation enquiry form and we’ll get back in touch with you, or give us a call on 01429 866771, and we’ll be able to give you some solid advice over the phone.  


P.S… We’ve got an AMAZING OFFER running across all 4 of our clinics now (Darlington, Durham, Guisborough, and Hartlepool), and the offer is valid across ALL OUR SERVICES. If you think an assessment could benefit you, then it’s the perfect time to come and see us and you will receive a great discount. 

We look forward to hopefully seeing you in clinic soon! Our happy faces are waiting for you… even if our smiles are hiding under a mask. 



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