Why YOUR Back Pain Is Unlikely To Be "Just Muscular" (...Another GP Myth) - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Why YOUR Back Pain Is Unlikely To Be “Just Muscular” (…Another GP Myth)

Free Tips for people with Back Pain who want top advice: www.paulgoughphysio.com/back-pain

In which the question is asked:

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“Paul, I went to my GP last week after suffering with tension and tightness in my back (it’s been on-off for 8-9 weeks now) which seems to always be worse on a night.

It’s not great through the day, but I can say frustratingly, it seems to want to get worse, every time I get set to go to sleep.

To cut a long story short, I went to my GP a few weeks back and he told me it’s likely to be “just muscular” and gave a course of anti-inflammatories (and some paracetamol).

From your experience, does it sound likely to be “just muscular” as the GP suggests, and will such medication actually help me?

Grateful of a reply and your time Paul”.

Joy. 51, Guisborough.

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To be blunt, the GP isn’t helping “Joy” here.

To suggest that it’s “just muscular” is naive at best.


Because muscles in the lower back don’t just “all of a sudden” decide to get tight and tense.

There is ALWAYS an underlying reason.

A ROOT CAUSE of a back problem that must be found.

Sure – “It’s muscular” is what’s causing Joys pain, but it’s not the root cause for the pain.

It shows up because something else is wrong.

(And “yes”, painkillers will make a difference…)

But they absolutely WON’T help in the long run.

(I’d argue it will make her problem worse, in the end).

Because what ever caused the muscle in her back to tighten in the first place, is still going to be wrong.

The SOLUTION is to have the joints put back in the RIGHT place.

As in, eased very gently by hand, back into the correct position .

Massage is vital to ease pain, and will do NATURALLY what the doctor is trying to do with painkillers.

After that, the right Exercises come into play.

(Something like Pilates, mixed with a touch of Yoga…)

And doing this will work at giving more movement and strength, and improving posture.

Meaning you’re going to look more healthy too 😉

And that would be nice, right?

Physio for this type of problem is a very simple three step process:

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1.) Find the root cause…

2.) Work by hand doing manual re-alignment of stiff joints and deep massage of tight muscles…

3.) Show best exercises to work on at home to make improvement happen faster…

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And it’s the latter that is so important … if you want to stop the pain from coming back, any time soon.


If you’re at all interested in finding out more about the very natural and simple solution to ending your back pain and tension, then why don’t you TRY IT FIRST?

It’s likely to be your best option if you’re a little unsure, perhaps even sceptical about the results that Physiotherapy can get for you?

It works like this:

You arrive for treatment and if at the end you don’t absolutely love everything that we did for, think we did deliver on the promise to make you happy, or you didn’t enjoy your time with us, you LEAVE WITHOUT PAYING.

That’s it.

Means you only pay if we get results.

Press this link now and then fill out the simple form that will appear:

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I can promise you many more answers than ANY GP will ever give you and the solution we have for you will work quick, it’s easy, and there’s not much for you to do, other than show up at one of our clinics and enjoy what we do for you.

If you don’t (enjoy it)…leave without paying.

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Talk soon,

Paul 😉

Specialist Physio Clinics : Darlington – Durham – Guisborough – Hartlepool
Tel: 01429 866771

P.S Doing it this way means you’ve got nothing to loose by just saying “maybe” to Physio at Paul’s Physio Place.

You leave happy and thrilled with how we made you feel, or I pay for it all for you ;=)

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Paul Gough
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