YOU - "Back in control of your health"? - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

Clinic Update 27-07-2024: Due to long waiting lists on the NHS, physio demand in the North East is exceptionally high. Our appointments are limited due to the severe demand, please contact us as soon as possible.

Paul Gough Health Tips

"Almost Daily Health Tips From Physio Paul Gough..."

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YOU — “Back in control of your health”?

More FREE tips here:

Let’s talk about “EVERYTHING”…

…you’re going to get when you get here for Physio on your neck and shoulder.

We’re going to make sure you have all of this:

= = =

* Advanced EXERCISES for making your body stronger and healthier that will leave you in control and able to stay active for longer than you ever thought possible.

* Daily rituals to transform your health – imagine how you’ll feel in just a few days from now by doing these

* Know “how to exercise safely for the rest of your life”. Hint: It’s much easier than you think and many people who come see us are now living like that and LOVING every minute of it

* The #1 closely guarded secret for making your back and spine stronger – know and use this, and neck and shoulder pain is much LESS likely to ever happen again

* Discover that most of what you’ve been led to believe about neck and shoulder problems is just “gossip” fuelled by well wishers and do-gooders and GP’s who don’t really know the truth

* Discover the little know secret to flexibility that will make your friends of a similar age “green with envy”! 😉

* The HUGE game changers in your choice of footwear that every person aged 45+ must be aware of – if they want to live FREE from unwanted muscle tension and joint pain

* The BIG mistake that most people make in the swimming pool that will be aggravating your shoulder and neck problem

* How to avoid costly mistakes in the gym, out on the “road” or when out walking in the hills or woods with friends, that could be making your posture worse AND the pain in your neck, last LONGER

* What your GP likely didn’t tell you about exercise that could be costing your health a fortune

* TOP Exercises to work on at home to eliminate “activity down time” and make the whole “it’s your age and you’ll have to accept it” a thing of YOUR past

And so much more besides…

= = =

Does ALL of that sound like something you’d be interested in getting from a Physio?

It’s often WAY MORE than most people expect to get but it’s all complimentary and part of our all-in service.

Start getting the help you need
, here:

Arrange to Talk To Our Best Physio

We’ll give away some of our best advice and top tips when we talk ON THE PHONE:

Arrange to Talk To Our Best Physio

Talk soon,

Paul 😉

P.S And of course, we’ll make sure you get all these too:


1.) A firm and VERY accurate diagnosis (what’s gone wrong)

2.) Know how long it’s going to take to fix

3.) What the best course of action is going to be to stop pain

4.) Do for you the all the BEST possible hands on techniques including massage and manual realignment – both of which WORK fast and are two BIG reasons people choose Paul Gough’s Physio Place in the first place (…no one else does them)

5.) Offer HOPE – that there is a future for you that won’t be blighted by daily neck and shoulder pain.

6.) END WORRY – by answering questions and shedding light on all of your concerns.


Start here and you’ll have them all within hours:

Arrange to Talk To Our Best Physio

Just fill out the 12 second form on the next page and we’ll do the rest:

Arrange to Talk To Our Best Physio

You’ll soon see for yourself what makes us different.

And when you talk to us, I bet in that first 20 seconds you’ll understand why we made it to the title of being the UK’s fastest growing Physio clinic


Why so many people loooooove to come and see us – despite having some form of scepticism about physio at first.

Start here though because it’s helpful and really EASY:

Arrange to Talk To Our Best Physio

More FREE tips here:

Paul Gough
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