6 Easy Ways To Kickstart Your Exercise Routine At New Year

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6 Easy Ways To Kickstart Your Exercise Routine At New Year

Do you feel like you’ve overindulged over the festive period?

Wanting help to start exercising this New Year so you can get into better shape for 2023?

We know the holidays can be a time where people let their routines go, eat a little too much and take a break from exercising.

But that’s okay! It feels great to be able to let go sometimes and relax, and even better to kickstart your exercise routine in the New Year.

Right now, you may be looking forward into 2023 and starting to plan what you want your year to look like.

Whether it’s exercise plans, summer holidays, or big life events like retirement which you want to be able to feel fit and healthy for.

To help you kickstart your exercise routine this New Year, we have written this blog containing 6 easy ways you can reach your fitness goals in 2023.

6 Easy Ways To Kickstart Your Exercise Routine At New Year

Have A Roadmap And An End Goal

When you start to think about your New Year’s resolutions, don’t forget to plan how you’re going to get there.

If you set yourself an ambitious target, and create a roadmap to get you there, you can increase your odds of staying committed to your goal, track your progress and feel your results!

Build It Up

If you’re new to exercise or returning after a long period away from activity, you should build up the intensities of your exercise.

Start with something low impact like walking or swimming. Stick to this for a few weeks, if you’re finding the exercise easier, increase the impact a little and challenge yourself within your abilities.

Exercise Buddies

Having a friend, partner or family member that you exercise with can be a huge motivator.

It can help take your mind off the activity you’re doing so it becomes something fun and doesn’t feel like a chore.

Peer encouragement and motivation will also make you more likely to stick to your routine.

Remove Barriers

You should identify any barriers that are stopping you from carrying out your exercise plan.

If you have a busy schedule, plan it into your day. If the activity you want to do is too expensive, try finding a cheaper alternative.

Having less excuses not to do something will help you stay on track and build your physical activity into your routine.

One Challenge At A Time

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your ideal fitness level won’t be either.

It takes time to address the goals you have in mind, and you may need to tackle one goal at a time to be able to advance to the next stage of your exercise plan.

For instance, if you struggle with painful knees, going straight into running 5k isn’t going to make your knees better.

In a situation like this, prioritise being pain free with your knees and then ease into your exercise routine again.

Be Flexible, Not Strict

Whilst staying committed to your goal is important, if you hit a challenge like an injury or change of health circumstances, it’s not the end of the world if you have to take a break.

When working towards your ultimate goal, it’s important to reflect on the progress that you’ve made so far. Taking it one day at a time can really help you to stay on track and give you the motivation to succeed.

How Physiotherapy Can Help You Kickstart Your Exercise Routine In The New Year

We know getting out for your exercise every day may be a daunting experience for someone who is suffering from pain in their knees, back or neck and shoulders.

If you have existing, or recurring injuries, these also need to be treated to ensure that you can exercise safely and ensure that you can get fitter so you can go cycling with your friends, play with the grandchildren at the park, or take the dogs on long walks at the weekend

At Paul Gough Physio Rooms, we have four North East clinics (Darlington, Durham, Guisborough and Hartlepool) and we offer free physiotherapy consultations, where you can speak to a member of our team, ask any questions that you have, and find out what’s stopping you from getting the life you want.

Alternatively, you can call us on 01429 866 771 if you prefer to talk over the telephone.

Other Free Resources To Help Kickstart Your Exercise Routine

Click Here To Read More Of Our Physiotherapy Blog Articles

Click Here To Read – How To Stay Active In Retirement

Click Here To Read – Benefits Of Exercise For Elderly People Who Want To Keep Active

We also have free, downloadable reports for people with Back PainKnee PainNeck And Shoulder Pain or Sports Injuries

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Paul Gough
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