Great North Run 2022 - 7 Tips To Relieve Post-Run Aches Fast

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Great North Run 2022 – Plus 7 Simple Tips To Relieve Post-Run Aches Fast

This Sunday is the 41st Great North Run where around 60,000 runner take on the famous 13.1 miles through Newcastle to South Shields.

If you are braving the half marathon on Sunday, this blog has 7 simple tips to relieve post-run aches fast.

We also share the stories of two of the runners – Phoebe and Lewis who are members of the Paul Gough Physio Rooms team.


Phoebe, one of our expert physiotherapy team, is running the Great North Run for the second time.

“I ran the Great North Run for the first time for the British Heart Foundation last year.

The atmosphere was incredible and so motivating. Seeing that many people raising money for that many different causes is really inspiring as well.

This year I’m just running because I enjoy it. Plus, I’ve roped my Mum into doing it with me this year!”

Outdoors Runner Celebrating

Phoebe also shared with us what running means to her:

“Running is a bit of an emotional release for me. If I ever feel too stressed, nervous or anxious, I go for a run.

Plus beating a PB is quite satisfying… That’s probably the most enjoyable bit for me.

If I couldn’t run, I’d miss the freedom. Especially when doing some of the longer training runs.”


Another member of our team, Lewis, has been a runner for over 10 years.

“I got a Great North Run place back in 2019 but I didn’t train properly so I didn’t attend – I’ve always felt like I let myself down for not attending so I’ve made it my mission to rectify that in this year’s event!”

Lewis is running to raise money for Mind, a charity close to his heart.

“I’ve smashed my fundraising target which is fantastic for Mind, and I’m excited for the sheer jubilation of conquering running 13.1 miles.”

Runner Standing At The Top Of A Mountain

Lewis has found training for his first Great North Run different to what he is used to:

“I only ever ran as a hobby, so when I decided to take part in the Great North Run, my training became more intense, and my boundaries were pushed. I soon learned there’s more to running than…. well, just running.

During his training, Lewis encountered some challenges:

“Due to my failure to compete for this event in 2019 I started training early this year to fully prepare myself and complete the Great North Run with a time I would be proud of! – This didn’t quite go to plan.

Due to the increase in miles for my training, it became apparent I wasn’t as knowledgeable as I had thought which meant I picked up a few niggling injuries.

And yes, I ignored these and carried on until I went too far and was injured for two long months which really halted my progress.”

Running is something I’ve been doing for 10+ years now and gives me focus and enjoyment so not being able to run was something that I struggled with.

Many people have other ways to destress, wind-down like reading a book or relaxing… mine is to clock up the miles and run!”

Fortunately, Lewis was able to work with our physiotherapists who helped him recover from injury and identified that the root cause of the problem was his feet.

“The team spotted that I am flat footed, and this meant I was getting what felt like shin splints and knee pain. They suggested orthotic shoe insoles to fix the issue, and since I’ve started using them I’ve not had any pain and been able to run as much as I want. Thankfully, my training is back on track and I’m ready for Sunday.”

Want to find out more about our Orthotic shoe insoles? Read our blog – Orthotic Insoles – A Powerful Pain Relief Tool or call us on 01429 866 771.

7 Simple Tips To Relieve Post-Run Aches Fast

Whether you are a veteran of the Great North Run trying to beat your personal best, or running the half marathon for the first time, we share some post-run recovery advice that you can use after the big event to ease any aches and pains that you are struggling with.

  1. Stretch and cool down after the run to allow your body to clear lactic acid and minimise stiffness post-race
  2. Eat well by including meals high in protein to enable your muscles to repair
  3. Stay hydrated both during and in the days following the race
  4. Get enough high quality sleep (allowing more time for sleep than usual)
  5. Use ice to reduce inflammation and soreness on areas that are particularly uncomfortable
  6. If you want to exercise in the days afterwards, switch to low impact exercise like swimming and cycling to give your joints time to recover.
  7. Get a sports massage which is very good for reducing muscle tension, soreness and increasing your range of motion

If you’ve pushed yourself during the race, it’s very likely that even the most avid runner will be sore for a few days. By following the simple advice above, you should be feeling back to normal and able to run pain-free within days.

However, if you are still suffering with stiffness, pain, or limited movement after a week and not able to comfortably manage your usual day to day activities, reach out to our team as you may have a more serious injury that requires attention.

Arrange Your Free Taster Consultation at one of our four North East clinics (Darlington, Durham, Guisborough and Hartlepool), Enquire About Cost And Availability or call our team on 01429 866 771.

Finally, to all the runners of Sunday’s Great North Run, our entire team wants to say a massive good luck, and congratulations for once you cross that finish line!

Other Free Resources To Help Runners

Click Here To Read – Running Tips For Beginners – Avoid Injuries And Improve Your Health

Click Here To Read – How Do I Start Running? Plus, Tips To Protect Your Knees And Legs From Running Injuries

Click Here To Read – What You Need To Know About Foot Pain – Plus 2 Simple Exercises To Do At Home

We also have free, downloadable reports for people with Back PainKnee Pain, Neck And Shoulder Pain or Sports Injuries

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Paul Gough
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