These questions came in to the clinic following Sundays announcement about the new “Massage Monday”, better health and wellness service that we’re about to kick off. === Q.) “How long do the Massage sessions last?” A.) All of our “Massage Monday” sessions are 1 hr long. That’s 60 minutes of non stop massage to soothRead More…

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Category: Emails To Best Clients
Lose Weight Faster… Or Get Injured Trying?

So I don’t know if you knew, but as well as writing and publishing books on the topic of “health”… I also write for TWO newspapers. (The Hartlepool Mail & Northern Echo…) And I regularly receive questions from readers. And this one I got just last week, I wanted to share with you: It was,Read More…
Amazing Health Secrets of A 95 Year Old Record Breaker
It’s Sunday evening, so I’ll make this quick… A couple of weeks ago I wrote in an email to you about the story of “Charles Eugster”, a man who, at “95” years old, had just broken the world record for running the indoor 200 meters in his age group. And when I sent that email,Read More…
Secrets To Keeping Fit Without Going To A Keep Fit Class (…Or Zumba, or Body Pump…Or Any Other Class That Looks Like Hard Work!)

So what to do on a “mixed” (weather!) bank holiday weekend in the North East of England. Mine will spent at my local cricket club – Hartlepool – playing on the grass with my 19 month old boy “Harry” — no doubt REPEATEDLY chasing him off the pitch every time he sees the cricket ballRead More…
How To Avoid The “Blue Monday” Blues !
So “blue Monday” has come and gone. How was it for you? As “bad” as they all say it is? For me, well, I left Melbourne, Australia, in the clear blue skies and warm, bright sunshine on Saturday night, and landed back in the cold, wet and snowy blizzards of Hartlepool on Sunday – soRead More…
Physio: The Secret To Better Health
I got a BIG secret to share with you today… So, these last few days I’ve been away from the clinic at a health care “summit” in the USA – which is basically a meeting of some of the worlds leading health care professionals. We meet every three months. And every time we do, weRead More…
Tips For Getting Out Of Bed More Easily – Even In Winter
One of the nice things about writing this my newspaper columns every week is that I get to receive some very nice comments from readers… Even better, I often get to engage with readers around town who seem to be equally as interested in the topic of “better health” as I am. And this week,Read More…
Two Physios, A Camper Van, And A Trip To Suffolk
No wedding stories this week… Anyway, instead of wedding bells for one of my staff, I think it’s more likely to be “fireworks”… as “she” took the week off to do something nice (…but he wouldn’t, apparently!) “Ouch”! For his sake, I hope it’s going to be sunny next week… Coz if not, “nameless 1”Read More…
7 Ways Life Could Be A Lot Better Living Without Chronic Joint Pain
Got a complaint from a not so happy reader of my emails that I will share with you in just a minute. But first, something else as important: …Nearly everybody who suffers from chronic knee, back or neck pain, wishes they could find a way to get long term relief from it. And if that’sRead More…
Status Update::: “Engaged To Be Married…”
No, not me, if that’s what you’re thinking… But, one of the big talking points in the office at the minute is “weddings”!… And let me explain why: First up there’s “Sarah”. She’s getting married next year and is ALWAYS dashing off some where after work to look at another cake or try on anotherRead More…