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Hartlepool grandmother receives physiotherapy for elbow pain

Hartlepool grandmother receives physiotherapy for elbow pain

This month’s patient success story is about a Hartlepool grandmother with elbow pain, that is once again able to enjoy time playing with her family after receiving expert advice and physiotherapy treatment. If you think you need physiotherapy for elbow pain, or if you’ve ever struggled with any kind of injury that has stopped you from enjoying timeRead More…

What happens in an assessment with a physio?

What happens in an assessment with a physio?

We’re going to talk about one of the most common questions we hear from people when they call us… “What happens in an assessment with a physio?”  We had a phone call from a lady today who has never visited a physio before, and she asked us this exact question before she booked her assessment with us.   The lady hadRead More…

5 Daily Habits That Reduce Stiffness

5 Daily Habits That Reduce Stiffness

I wanted to answer a common question I get asked about being stiff which we get asked regularly by clients at the Paul Gough Physio Rooms: “Paul, do you have any advice for someone like me who isn’t in a lot of pain? I’m just incredibly stiff when I wake up on a morning, andRead More…

3 Things You Could Be Doing That Make Knee Pain Worse

3 Things You Could Be Doing That Make Knee Pain Worse

Have you ever experienced knee pain? The kind that slows you down in life, niggles when you walk up and down the stairs, hurts every time you bend down, aches when you sit, and just generally leaves you feeling frustrated wondering when it’s finally going to wear off… If that sounds like you, you’re notRead More…

Is Your Nighttime Routine The Reason For Your Neck Pain?

Is Your Nighttime Routine The Reason For Your Neck Pain?

When I get patients ask me ‘why do I get neck pain?’ it can sometimes be difficult to answer. Not because I don’t know how to ease neck pain, but I don’t know their personal circumstances. What I can suggest however, is that it is your nighttime routine that is causing you neck pain. Why you ask?Read More…