Back Pain: How To Get The Housework Done Without Making Your Back Pain Worse - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Back Pain: How To Get The Housework Done Without Making Your Back Pain Worse

Has this ever happened to you?

You’re going about your day doing your usual day-to-day jobs, you could be doing something as simple as taking the rubbish out, weeding the front garden, folding up your washing or even changing the bed then all of a sudden you feel a sharp pain in your back and you can hardly move…

Sound familiar?

Just a few weeks ago this happened to one of our patients Annette, 57, from Guisborough…

Back Pain- How To Get The Housework Done Without Making Your Back Pain Worse

She was making the most of a quiet weekend in, and before she planned to veg out and relax for the day she decided to do some spring cleaning.

Annette was fine to begin with, but as soon as she went to turn over her mattress she put her back out completely.

At first the pain wasn’t so bad, but then a few hours later her back began to stiffen up…

Like most people we see she thought at first ‘oh it’s just a stuff back, I’ve probably got a bit carried away with the cleaning, it’s happened before.” But the next day the pain was still there, and it felt even worse!

Annette’s back started to ache when she sat down, she struggled to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in, and she couldn’t even bring herself to stand without being in agony AND she had a weekend away in France planned…

How was she going to get away now with a back so painful?…

Now you might be thinking this won’t happen to you, not with something as basic as everyday chores, but when you consider that most of us do some form of jobs around the house, that’s a lot of backs that could potentially become sore! And not just that, most people we see say they suffer from back pain when doing routine activities such as chores that cause flare-ups

The thing is, many people will ‘put up’ with a bad back for days (even weeks!), hoping the pain will go away on it’s own eventually, but you really don’t have to play the waiting game and suffer for so long – especially not if it’s getting in the way of daily life and even trips away and events that you’ve been looking forward to for ages!

So how about I give you three quick tips for everyday housework jobs to help make agonising back pain a thing of the past – because chores themselves aren’t to blame (even though we’d like to think they are), it’s how you ‘do’ them.

1. When using the vacuum cleaner or a mop: one of the most common mistakes people make is reaching out with their arms while bending at the waist over and over again.

Bending over in awkward positions can place a lot of strain on your muscles – especially in your back! To help fix this the key is to keep your hips and shoulders moving towards the work.

What I mean by this is instead of leaning forwards and twisting your back, step forward in the direction of the movement with one foot and bend slightly at the knee, allowing your upper body to stay upright to reduce any strain.

2. When doing the washing,  picking up items and rescuing that lost sock from the bedroom floor, leaning over can trigger off back pain – similar to sweeping and using the hoover, bending at the waist repeatedly will strain your back muscles.

To get around this I tell my patients to do something I like to call the ‘golfer’s reach’, it has this name because it’s similar to how golfers pick up a ball.

When you reach for items with your right hand balance yourself by lifting your leg up in the air. If you need extra support, place your opposite hand on a nearby surface. If you’re reaching with your left hand, reverse the directions.

The deeper you reach with your hand, the higher your opposite leg should go so that you can keep your balance while simultaneously reducing the amount of strain on your back muscles.

One more thing, I know it can be easy to get caught up, rushing around the house to get everything done but one thing to remember is to be kind to yourself and take 20 minute breaks throughout. Put the kettle on and relax with a brew before returning to your chores.

If you start feeling any signs of pain, walk, stretch and rest your back.

Don’t allow yourself to get so busy checking chore off of your to-do list that you forget the safe way to move your body.

Start using these tips, you’ll be keeping your back safe.

For more tips on easing back pain like this, here’s free special report with 9 top tips on how to avoid back pain…

Go to or click here the free report:

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Paul Gough
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