Pilates - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

Clinic Update 16-09-2024: Due to long waiting lists on the NHS, physio demand in the North East is exceptionally high. Our appointments are limited due to the severe demand, please contact us as soon as possible.

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Pilates: Touch Your Toes At 60, 70, 80 And Beyond!

Pilates: Touch Your Toes At 60, 70, 80 And Beyond!

Let’s answer a pressing question which a new patient recently emailed in asking for the answer to: (And lets see if we can get YOU a bit more flexible and feeling healthier in the process…) === “Paul, what exercises can I do to loosen up and improve flexibility in my lower back? It would alsoRead More…

The BIG Reason Why Back Pain KEEPS Occurring…

After lasts weeks email about the biggest health challenge that my other “email subscribers” are facing, I have taken the time to review the answers with great care. And here are two of the many questions I got asked : === “Paul… How do you continue to try and stay fit (gym, work, golf etc…)Read More…