How Do You Stop Back Pain That Doesn't involve Painkillers If You're Aged 45+...? - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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How Do You Stop Back Pain That Doesn’t involve Painkillers If You’re Aged 45+…?

I want to add to your “health education” by showing you what you can do to ease back pain and lower the risk that it will ever happen to you.

Here all the best ways to do that and if you were to follow them all, then you will give yourself the best chance of skipping back pain, or at very least, minimising the effect it may have had upon your active and “on-the-go” life:


1. Avoid High Heels

Here’s why. Wearing high heels will increase the stress and pressure that your lower back must cope with by about 25 times. Reverse that, and it means if you wear a nice soft cushioned pair of shoes instead, your lower back would be experiencing 25 times LESS pressure and force placed upon it.

Imagine how much relief you’d feel if you could take that type of stress off your lower back right now? But understand that it’s a cumulative effect. This pressure builds up from wearing the wrong footwear over a period of weeks and years and results in a weak and stiff lower back somewhere around the age of 40 – so by the time you pass 50, back pain is almost inevitable.

2. Avoid Sitting For More Than 20 Minutes At A Time

There’s so much ‘gossip’ that surrounds back pain. But this is FACT…you and I were not designed to sit. It goes against every basic, fundamental rule of the way we originally evolved as humans. When you sit there is approximately 10x more pressure pushing down on your spine than when you stand tall.
And it’s because most of us slouch, or flop when we do sit, meaning that the muscles in your spine (called your core muscle group) that are designed to protect you, just don’t work like they are supposed too. This causes inevitable aches, pains and stiffness (the latter being the most common in the 50+ age group).

3. Use Ice (Not Heat)

Ice is by far the best way to ease back pain. My tip, use ice whenever you’re feeling achy or painful, such as at the end of a very busy day. Apply an ice pack for 10 minutes or so, little but very often (every hour) is best. And when to use heat – my tip would be to apply a hot water bottle on a morning when your back is likely to be feeling more stiff, than painful. Again, 10
minutes should do it.

4. Avoid ….

5. Only do THESE exercises…

6. DO NOT sleep like this…

7. Do NOT wear these….

…Continued when you click here and claim your special report with 10 MORE top tips inside to ease back pain:

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Paul Gough

Specialist Physio Clinics : Darlington – Durham – Guisborough – Hartlepool
Tel: 01429 866771

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Paul Gough
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