Postnatal Back Pain : Why doing exercises ISN'T always good to help PGP or SPD sufferers - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

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Postnatal Back Pain : Why doing exercises ISN’T always good to help PGP or SPD sufferers

Guest Author of this Post: Sammy Dakers, Specialist Postnatal Physio

Free Tips for postnatal back pain and PGP are here:

Got this question from a client recently suffering with SPD/PGP and definitely LOTs of Postnatal Back Pain:


“Hi Sammy,

‘Why am I suffering more now 4 months after having my baby?’

I’m getting really worried, recently had by second beautiful baby boy for months ago. When I was pregnant I did get pains in my lower back and hips but the midwife send that’s completely normally, something to do with hormones? and will go after I’ve had the baby.

The pain did ease to start with but now I’m getting worse again.

Even just getting him in and out of the cot is now becoming a real problem.

I’m scare my back might just ‘go’ completely.

Can you help”?

– Sarah, 32, Durham


Hi Sarah,

Firstly, congratulations on the birth of your baby boy J

Don’t worry, you’re not alone.

Most of the mums that come to see me have been let down by the NHS just like yourself.

Over the last year your body has been pulled, stretched and push to its limits. If your muscles are strong enough to cope and protect your back, it will let you know about it (this will be the pain you felt when you her pregnant).

The NHS often just put it down to ‘hormones’ but it’s simply due to lack of specialist training in this area.

Yes this is common, but definitely not normal.

So now you’re not carrying a baby inside you any more, so why is the pain getting worse? Let me share something with you….

The pressure and trauma your back and pelvis has been through will have cause joints to stiffen and muscle to because very week. You may be not be carrying your son inside you anymore, but now on the outside, which is EVEN HARDER.

So as your baby continue to grow those stiff joints and weak muscle will let you know about it.

Most of the Mums who come to see me just want to be able to play and care for there baby’s without fear.

A very common mistake new mums (and even some health professionals) make is to just get stuck into exercises. Surly getting it strong will solve the problem?

“But it’s wrong”.

If a joint is ‘locked’ and pelvis out of line, it is NOT SAFE and you can make things worse. So resist the temptation to jump into exercise to soon, even just brisk walks around the park.

Great News Sarah, you’ve got in touch in time before this problem worsens even further.

A Specialist trained Postnatal Physio can check your back and get you back looking after you son without fear and pain.

The Best Place for us to Start on your recovery is here :

Speak To The Postnatal Physio

This well secure you time in my diary to discuss Special Physio care for yourself and you can ask many questions as you can think of before even stepping into the treatment room.

Speak To The Postnatal Physio

P.S. if you’d like to see the other women that have been to see me recently in the clinic just click the link below:

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