What Makes YOU So Different...(Physio) - Paul Gough Physio Rooms

Clinic Update 16-09-2024: Due to long waiting lists on the NHS, physio demand in the North East is exceptionally high. Our appointments are limited due to the severe demand, please contact us as soon as possible.

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What Makes YOU So Different…(Physio)

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Pull up a chair…

I found this important question left on the message board last night:


“Paul, I’m thinking of coming into see you at your Guisborough Clinic for help with my long term stiff neck. But and before I do, I’d just like to know the straight answer to this question please:

“What makes you different from all the
other options I’ve got”?

I’n not interested in any “offers”, or “discounts”, or anything like that, those things that some places use to try and get your custom aren’t so important to me. I just want to know from you the reason I should choose you and your team above all of the other alternatives available to me, of which there are many”.

– Brenda. 57, From in between Stokesley and Great Ayton.

= = =

Let me start by saying that what REALLY makes us so popular and why so many people come to see us is this:

“We’re the ONLY Physiotherapy Clinic in the North East who on purpose and very deliberately SPECIALISES in helping people in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s – who want to be active and feel healthy for many years to come”.

You’ll note with most other physio clinics, they don’t really claim to help anyone in particular – it’s just a case of:

“If you’re in pain, we’re here to help”…

And that’s fine.

(But it’s not a great place to go and get help or advice).

See, it’s because we figured out a few years back that most people who come see a Physio aren’t so much worried about their pain.

Sure, pain is an issue, of course it is.

But what really drives them to come and see people like me is the fear of being inactive.

Being unable to do things like they once could.

Even guilt!…

The fact that they would have let themselves down if they didn’t go and get sorted out properly (…and not just take some painkillers).

So what we did was created a place where like minded people could come – a community, if you like.

And you’ll often discover in our waiting rooms, two or three very like minded people in their with you.

And I bet that if you’re diligent enough to want to know and able to ask questions like “what makes us different” before you rush into booking an appointment at any place, then you’re going to fit in just nicely with them all, too.

Because people who come see us —> they’re SERIOUS about their health

They care enough about their health and their independence, to go and seek specialist help.

And they often agree that there is non so ever more important than something as simple as being able to go places and do things with their friends and family – ABSENT of any pain or stiffness.

(Easier to enjoy…)

And so if you’re looking for a physio place that promises:

* A COMMUNITY of like minded people, of a similar age, hoping to achieve similar active and healthy lifestyles

* A customer service culture and an EXPERIENCE you’d likely expect from a 5 star hotel

* Your very own Specialist Physio who is able to answer all your questions and end all of your frustrations, one whose main aim is to keep you active and healthy and “on the go” for many years to come…

“Then you’re looking in the right place”.

And when you get here you’ll discover it’s the combination of the above, that really makes us different.


Did you know that we’re a Physio Company built from the ground up? <====== We started in a spare bedroom in my home in Hartlepool and have since grown by creating a fabulous experience for our very specific target clients (people in their 40's, 50's and 60's who want to keep active), into the UK's fastest growing Physio Clinic. We're also one of very few clinics in the area that are open full time. That means we're nothing like most other physios who have many commitments to places like the NHS and only decide to open their clinics "after work". (We do this PROPERLY...). All of our team are contracted and employed exclusively by me. And that's great for you because if everyone comes in here everyday, it means behind the scenes we can really work hard on creating a culture and an experience you're going to LOVE being part of. So much so:

“You’ll be sad that you’re feeling better because it
means you’ll not have a reason to come back and see us”.

And seriously, that’s what we hear all of the time.

Many of our clients have joked that they almost look forward to being injured, just because it means they get to come back into a like minded community and experience our great care.

And you know what?

I’d love for you to come sample it out for yourself.

Start here with a Fee Telephone Consultation from one of our best Physios:

Arrange Your FREE 9 Minute Call Back

It’s a very easy step to start our relationship together and you’ll get a feel for your self of the culture and the great experience that is waiting for you, if you wanted to come see us in person.

Arrange Your FREE 9 Minute Call Back

P.S One other thing that makes us VERY different is this…

“Since opening the doors more than 10 years ago I’ve vowed to have NO unhappy clients”.

And I want you to know that if you’re thinking about coming to one of my clinics to get the care that you need, all of everything we do for you is backed by my “love it or leave it” Guarantee.

And if we don’t make you happy like you thought we would, or hoped we would, or expected that we would, you never have to pay for your treatment and you are free to walk out the door without paying.

Arrange Your FREE 9 Minute Call Back

Paul Gough
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